"The Identity of the Future"

In every era, there are always individuals who hold a leading position (key person) in that time. Who fits this role in our current era? Does Donald Trump match the criteria for being the key person of our time? It may be possible with certain conditions. What are those conditions?

The theme of "Make America Great Again" which only benefits the United States does not apply. If the United States tries to push through a selfish style of "America First," it will inevitably face worldwide condemnation. This is because the leaders of the United States have built up the Pax Americana (military hegemony) and the post-World War II Bretton Woods system, and were trusted by the world.

However, since the Cuban Missile Crisis, when doctors (Guevara) and lawyers (Castro) stood up and overthrew the pro-American government, the power of the United States has been declining. The United States has overwhelming military power, but it seeks to "build a nuclear-free world." However, this is an opposite idea and is not realistic. It was just Obama's delusion. Obama was the worst president after the war, and Trump seems to be the end-time president after the war.

In the current world order, it is impossible to eliminate nuclear weapons. Only the permanent members of the United Nations Security Council are allowed to possess nuclear weapons, and others are not. The only thing that can be considered now is to recognize North Korea's nuclear weapons possession in 2017, establish diplomatic relations between the United States and North Korea, conclude a peace and friendship agreement between the United States and North Korea, sign a ceasefire agreement to end the Korean War, make North Korea join the NPT, and set restrictions on the peaceful use of Kim Jong-un's nuclear weapons possession.

It should be negotiating towards realization within this year, but it cannot be realized.Provoked by the United States, Japan, going against the current of the times, had no choice but to deploy Aegis Ashore in combat. The distrust towards the Abe administration reignited. Donald Trump's true intention seemed to be to build smooth relations with North Korea, China, and Russia. Japan will likely be forced to conduct diplomacy from the sidelines in the future. In South Korea, President Moon is strengthening dialogue and cooperation with the North, and the intense hatred towards Japan's former military relations will never disappear in current diplomacy. Putin is simply faithfully abiding by the secret treaty of the Yalta Conference (to control the Northern Territories) and will remain in office as President until 2024. After that, he will establish an imperial regime and permanently be involved in politics. There is no intention to conclude a peace treaty between Japan and Russia. Xi Jinping seems to aim for the return of the former dynasty with the Belt and Road Initiative, but there are limits to governance under the Communist Party's one-party dictatorship. There is potential for China to become a leading country in the world if it can be reborn through democratization. Even if the economy expands, it will not matter if the people's hearts are distant. At the time, Trump had no intention of becoming president, but he won against Obama and Hillary with hidden Trump supporters. The purpose was fulfilled at the inauguration, but he, a political amateur, only exposed his weakness. Kissinger was trying to use it skillfully for diplomatic strategy. In other words, it was to make North Korea and the United States proceed with a peace treaty through a suicide mission, eliminating military instability in the Far East. 

The US and North Korea planned to negotiate behind the scenes. The situation at the White House at the time was far from ordinary. For Japan, it is impossible to return to the Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere and a submissive attitude towards the United States, but the next leader should maintain a distance from the five permanent members of the United Nations and behave in a way that is reasonable and befitting of an independent Japan. Imagining how the current era will be depicted in 50, 100, or even 1000 years will undoubtedly be valuable in understanding peace, war, discrimination, and economic disparity.


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