
August 12, 1985 JAL Flight 123 Original Voice Recorder Complete Theory

★This video is about the crash of JAL Flight 123 that occurred on August 12, 1985. The accident report prepared by the specialized accident investigation committee has too many inconsistencies, and citizens are suspicious. When will the souls and bereaved families of the 498 Japanese and 22 foreigners find peace? There is a tendency for those who defend the perpetrators to scold those who have no choice but to look for conspiracy theories and those who preach the need to restart an uncertain investigation, but first of all, we need your emotional support as our friends around the world to request full disclosure of the CVR and a reinvestigation and to clarify the truth. We are disseminating our personal views and reasoning analysis in the Japanese and English versions of the campaign to promote full disclosure of the CVR. ◯presented and written by Kaji Narumi◯ ◆November 30, 2024 "August 12, 1985 JAL Flight 123 Original Voice Recorder Complete Theory" ◆Before watching the vi...

Six Scenarios of the Stormy Nagata Castle, the Dawn of the Two Major Political Parties Era in Japan

 <Domanmaru Kagetora and the Page's Nonsense 0270>episode270,season3 (The Reiwa Travelogue of a Tensho Warring States Page) ○___________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate (Established 1587) Lord: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Travelogue and Nonsense Review: Page Nishina Genta ○___________________○ ◆Tensho 452, October 29 "Six Scenarios of the Stormy Nagata Castle, the Dawn of the Two Major Political Parties Era in Japan" Hinomoto, a defeated nation in the last war 80 years ago, has only been given substantial autonomy by the victorious nations, and is still treated as a former enemy nation by the United Nations. Germany and Italy are under the surveillance of the US military, just like Japan. If asked whether they prefer a democratic or communist state, most people would choose the former, but in the first quarter of the 21st century, I don't think that democracy has taken root in Japan's politics. In other words, it is still in its infancy. Before Arthur...


<道満丸景虎と小姓の戯言0262>episode262,season3  (天正戦国小姓の令和見聞録)   ○___________________○   春日山城、鳴海幕府(開府1587年)   お屋形様:上杉道満丸景虎  見聞録及び戯言検め:小姓 仁科源太   ○___________________○   ◆天正四百五十二年 十月弐日   「総選挙自公過半数割れ二百議席未満の衝撃。手の平返し、敵前逃亡内閣の末路」    令和幕府での九人による御屋形選出決戦で石破殿が勝ち抜ちぬかれた。拙者の推した林殿は四位に留まったが、次期総裁選での勝利の布石にもなっておる。代議士は通常、弁士とも言われるが、悲しいことに雄弁実行という政治家はおらぬようでござる。石破殿はマイナ保険証と既存の紙の保険証廃止の見直しをハッキリと明言し、早期解散も慎重を期すと総裁選では言っておったが、その発言も反故にし手のひら返しで十月二十七日総選挙と打って出てしまった。最高権力を手にしてしまえば、勝てば官軍負ければ賊軍ということじゃな。石破殿も林殿も総裁選が終わればマイナ保険証・紙の保険証廃止の見直しは前言を完全撤回とする暴挙にでておる。状況はことなれど水原一平氏のあの疑惑の一夜での前言撤回とたいして変わらぬではないか。G7の中では保険証との紐づけは日の本だけというではないか。いくらITの利権絡みとはいえあまりにも弱者に寄り添う姿勢がまったくないのは問題でござる。大義のない解散総選挙では自民党が久しぶりに下野する姿をそなた達は目にするかやしれぬ。領民が命より大事な保険証が政争の具にされることに怒りを覚えているのじゃ。ポイントに目がくらんだ者達はいまからでも遅くはない。マイナ保険証の解除の手続きが十月から可能と厚労省のアナウンスがあった。しかしである。システムの不具合で解除ができないという軒猿からの伝聞があったが、このまま2ヶ月間システムの不具合で解除できないおそれもござる。そのときは諦めるしかないが、唯一解決策がござる。政権交代で法律を変える(もとに戻す・紙の保険証存続)ことでござる。マイナポータルのシステム障害や震災の激増でデジタル依存だけでは領民の命の保証はできぬと存ずる。裏金議員は百人ほどおると軒猿から聞き及んでお...

The Untold Challenges of Shohei Ohtani in MLB

<Domanmaru Kagetora and the Page's Nonsense 0260> episode 260, season 3 (The Reiwa Travelogue of a Tensho Warring States Page) ○___________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate (established in 1587) Lord: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Travelogue and Nonsense Review: Page Nishina Genta ○___________________○ ◆Tensho 452, September 23 "The Untold Challenges of Shohei Ohtani in MLB" In MLB, attention is focused on individual records just before the postseason, but in 2024, after hybrid surgery on his right elbow, it was expected that he would play conservatively, but he has been accumulating good records despite his rehabilitation. Even if it's difficult to win the triple crown in the National League, he should be able to win the double crown of home runs and RBIs. In the Japanese and American media, there is a movement to highlight Ohtani's presence at all costs. I don't understand 50+50 at all. It doesn't seem to be about marriage between people in...

2024 Paris Olympics Travelogue

 <Domanmaru Kagetora and the Page's Nonsense 0243> episode 243, season 3 (Reiwa Travelogue of a Tensho Warring States Page) ○___________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate (established in 1587) Lord: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Travelogue and Nonsense Review: Page Nishina Genta ○___________________○ ◆August 12, Tensho 452 "2024 Paris Olympics Travelogue" The 2024 Paris Olympics seems to have ended despite a chain of scandals, but in the Tensho Warring States era, the great colonial era of exploration by the Jesuits was in full swing, and a festival of peace was just a dream. It seems that many remnants of this remain even in the Reiwa era. The Paris Olympics was a French Empire event, but Tahiti is still a de facto colony. Surfing events were held there, but the triathlon was never held in the degraded environment that was like a sewer. The French Empire still had many remnants of colonies in the South Pacific islands, so they never held anything within the...

The key to MLB's popularity revival is the era of the three-sword style

 "The key to MLB's popularity revival is the era of the three-sword style" MLB once held the top spot for many years among the four major professional sports in North America. Now it is lagging behind the MLF and NBA, and is on the verge of being overtaken by ice hockey. Japanese baseball warriors such as Nomo and Ichiro breathed fresh air into the MLB, whose popularity was declining at the time, and it temporarily regained its popularity, but sports fans have begun to turn their attention to other sports, and although they are now trying to find a way forward with the topic of Ohtani, it is unlikely that it will regain its former prosperity due to changes in the nature of the baseball organization and the values ​​required by the times. The All-Star event, selected from 30 teams, is only held once, but in the MLB without stars, the strong measures of changing tactics and products, and unintentionally making sports betting companies clients, will not be a catalyst for bas...


  <道満丸景虎と小姓の戯言 0239 > episode239,season3 (天正戦国小姓の令和見聞録)   ○___________________○ 春日山城、鳴海幕府(開府 1587 年) お屋形様:上杉道満丸景虎 見聞録及び戯言検め:小姓 仁科源太 ○___________________○ ◆天正四百五十二年 七月九日 「 MLB 人気復権の鍵は三刀流時代」   MLB はかつて北米四大プロスポーツ人気ではトップの座を長年維持しておった。今では MLF 、 NBA などの後塵を拝しておりアイスホッケーにも抜かれようとする有り様じゃ。日の本の野球武士であった野茂やイチローなどが当時人気下降気味であった MLB に新風を吹き込み一時は人気を取り戻しておったものじゃが、スポーツファンは他の種目に目が向き始め、いまでは大谷の話題で活路を見出そうとするものの、野球機構の体質や時代が求める価値観などの変遷で以前のような隆盛は取り戻せそうにもない。三十球団の中から選ばれたオールスターイベント戦は一回のみの披露ではあるが、スター不在の MLB では手を変え品を変え、計らずもスポーツ賭博業者をもクライアントにする強硬策はかつての野球人気を盛り返す起爆剤にもなりはせぬ。野球は五輪種目から外されるなどの斜陽の傾向があり、北米四大スポーツの盟主復活など無理でござろう。然しながら、起死回生策がないわけではござらぬ。大型の長期複数年契約など一斉に辞めすべての選手に短期契約制を設ける。さすれば、高額な長期契約の割には何年も負傷者入りリストに入り活躍ができないファンからの苛立ちからの開放もあろうし、金満契約のしがらみから逃れられ思い切りプレーに専念できるというメリットが多々あるではないか。野球機構は公正を毅然と期す姿勢が大切で賭博業のクライアントはすべて固辞することが必要じゃろう。さすれば、身近なものが借財を重ねているのをみかねて肩代わりとという日の本ででは美談という形が、亜米利加では MLB の規約違反に共犯的な関わりを持つにいたるのだが、大谷殿の情の厚さがこうも水原殿と離間せざるを得なくなるとは思いもせなんだ。 MLB 当局も悩んだであろうが、水原殿の一方的な窃盗という不自然な言動となり、多くのメディアでも混乱の極地に達して...