
Showing posts from May, 2023

Sengoku Page Boy's Record in the Reiwa Era 0024

Sengoku Page Boy's Record in the Reiwa Era ○________________________________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Oyakata-sama: Uesugi DoumanMaru Kagekatsu Recorded by: Page Boy ○________________________________________○ "Peace Proposal between Russia and Uanana, Turmoil over My Number National Insurance Card" In the autumn of 2021, Uanana's President Zeren Koudai publicly announced a preemptive strike on the Russian-backed regions of Uanana. This act proved that Uanana had initiated the attack (the Asoen-fu Ren-tai). In other words, the Russian side had a just cause for their defensive invasion. By October 2022, reports of Uanana's resistance movement had become widespread, but the conflict has reached a point where it is realistically challenging for Uanana to reclaim its territory or achieve victory. There is a growing global public opinion that a peace agreement between Uanana and Russia is becoming necessary. Former Secretary of State Henri Kishinu an...

Sengoku Page Boy's Records in the Reiwa Era 0023

<Sengoku Page Boy's Records in the Reiwa Era 0023> ○______________________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Lord: Uesugi Douman Maru Kagetora Recorded by: Page Boy ○______________________________○ ◆Year 451 of the Tensho Era, 14th of May "The Year 451 of the Tensho Era: The Victoria Mile Cup and Tohgenkyo" It seems that the Reiwa Shogunate has horse racing events, and even the Lord takes a great interest in them. Normally, it is just something to watch, but it would be a good diversion to have the subordinates compete in matches, as Lord suggested. I also wish to participate in the predictions. I'm thinking of backing Tohgenkyo, who is the favorite in the first position. I have won several major races as well. The conditions of the track and distance are within expectations. As for riding the horse, it will be Yoko Ten, so there is a feeling of anticipation for some major surprises. The memory of the impressive victory in the spring Emperor's Cup...


  <戦国小姓の令和見聞録 0023 > ○___________________○ 春日山城、鳴海幕府 お屋形様:上杉道満丸景虎 見聞録検め:小姓 ○___________________○ ◆ 天正四百五十一年 五月十四日  「天正四百五十一年、ヴィクトリアマイルカップと桃源郷」  令和の幕府には競走馬の催しがあるそうじゃが、お屋形様も大層興味をお持ちでござる。日頃は観るだけのものではあるが、気晴らしに臣下の者に勝負をしてくるのも良い事じゃと仰せでござれば、拙者も予想だけは参加したいと思う。本命は一枠一番の桃源郷を推してみたいと考えておる。重賞もいくつかものにしておるでな。道悪も距離も想定内でござろう。馬にまたがるのは横典殿であるから何やら大波乱の予感はしないでもない。いつぞやの春の天皇賞では院狗乱出イ-レで見事逃げ切った記憶は未だに消え失せてはおらぬ。メス馬の戦なら十分勝ち目はあるものとお見受けいたす。だまされたと思って共に応援をせぬか。さすれば、競走馬の醍醐味を味わう事ができるというものじゃ。外れたからといって、拙者やお屋形様を責めるのは義に反する故、これだけはれぐれもご熟慮を致されよ。   「マイナンバーカードの危険性」    政府の強制的なマイナンバー保険証の紐付けは余りにも危険な事が分かった。お屋形様は結構お怒りである。令和の幕府はあくまでヒューマンミスに責任転嫁しようとしているが、当事者としてみれば命に関わる問題でござろう。臣下の再発防止策などというのは犠牲を伴う言い方で無責任極まる発言は由々しき問題でござる。拙者はマイナンバーカードは持つつもりは無い。戦国の世ではなおさらのことでござる。なぜなら、安全性と信頼性に疑問があり、一番の問題は脆弱なシステムの存在があるからじゃ。マイナンバーカード利権もかなりの大きさであるというではないか。カード発行を控える人も今後増えるのは至極当然のことと存じ申し上げる。ポイントに目がくらみ、悔やんでも後の祭りじゃ。 ○___________________○

"The 'Lame Duck' Reiwa Shogunate"

  < Chronicles of a Sengoku Page in the Reiwa Era 0022 >   ○ ________________________________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Lord: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Chronicle Examiner: Page   ○ ________________________________________○ ◆ Year 451 of the Tenshō Era, May 11th "The 'Lame Duck' Reiwa Shogunate" According to the Reiwa Shogunate, rumors have spread that NATO's liaison office will be established in Edo, intending to use the taxes for post-disaster reconstruction to fund warfare. They seem unconcerned about punishing the former Unification Church. What in the world is the meaning of this? Surely our lord will not allow it. By joining forces with the archenemy Nobunaga-dono, just like in the era of the Three Kingdoms when Sun Quan and Cao Cao allied to defeat Liu Bei, we must prepare for war in the Reiwa era, or else our hunger will never be satisfied. The governance of the Sengoku era was impossible without resolute righteousness...

Sengoku Page Boy's Reiwa Observations 0020

○____________________________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Oyakata-sama: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observations by Page Boy ○____________________________________○ April 30, year 451 of the Tenbun era "It has long been said that "he who chases two rabbits catches neither."  Although Miyamoto Musashi wrote about it in "The Book of Five Rings," in a serious match with swords weighing two to three kilograms, he probably would have lost if he used two swords. The one-sword style, which allows for complete concentration, is truly powerful. Babe Ruth, who was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame in America, has been compared to Mr. Shohei Ohtani, who is currently making headlines in MLB with the Angels, but when you look at his lifetime records, while some of Mr. Ohtani's achievements stand out, it may only be a matter of time before his limits as a two-way player are reached. From 1914 to 1935, Babe Ruth had 714 home runs, a batting average of ...

Chronicles of a Sengoku Pageboy in the Reiwa Era 0021

○ ________________________________________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Nariumi Shogunate Oyakata-sama: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Chronicle Examiner: Pageboy   ○ ________________________________________________○ ◆ Year 451 of Tensho Era, May 6th "Limited Perspectives of the Reiwa Rulers" E ven in the Reiwa era, I imagine the people of the world are tired due to the spread of infectious diseases. The rulers of Nihon (Japan) are organizing a meeting of a pseudo-advanced nation called G7 in Hiroshima in the year 2023. However, Oyakata-sama of Kasugayama Castle and Lord Nobunaga of Azuchi Castle are greatly angered. For the past thirty years or so, the living conditions of the people have worsened, and according to information from the future, the demise of Nihon and the Reiwa Shogunate is only a matter of time. Even if the younger generation tries to get involved in politics, the elderly refuse to relinquish their positions as lawmakers in order to protect their v...

"The Identity of the Future"

I n every era, there are always individuals who hold a leading position (key person) in that time. Who fits this role in our current era? Does Donald Trump match the criteria for being the key person of our time? It may be possible with certain conditions. What are those conditions? The theme of "Make America Great Again" which only benefits the United States does not apply. If the United States tries to push through a selfish style of "America First," it will inevitably face worldwide condemnation. This is because the leaders of the United States have built up the Pax Americana (military hegemony) and the post-World War II Bretton Woods system, and were trusted by the world. However, since the Cuban Missile Crisis, when doctors (Guevara) and lawyers (Castro) stood up and overthrew the pro-American government, the power of the United States has been declining. The United States has overwhelming military power, but it seeks to "build a nuclear-free world." ...

"How to live in the 21st century and quarter century"

It is often said that the rise and fall of civilization has been repeated endlessly since the dawn of history, but does it mean that human beings can only use the lessons of those who embody the history at that time? There is no doubt that the world today is based on the power balance of the three major powers of China, the United States, and Russia. Japan, which was said to be a country of Wa, had a time when it was aiming to conquer the world, and the sight of the descendants of the Imperial Headquarters who were still involved in the Imperial Rule Assistance Association trying to survive and occupy the taste of the power of this country is truly a gloomy country. It is nothing but the ground. It may be an annoying and natural reason that once you have power, you don't want to let it go. Defense, slaughter and domination. It is a common matter of human beings (organisms). However, the price has a profound effect on the rise and fall of civilization.  The ultimate idea of TNHE (T...