"The lawless zone of Japan where illegal receipt of public money and fraud are rampant"


Presented by hirotsugu nishina



持続化給付金の相次ぐ不正事件、役所による人為的ミスでの過度な振り込みなどが社会問題となっている。何十年も遅れてようやく設立されたデジタル庁はなぜ今なのかどうも理解に苦しむ人が殆どだと思う。米国では割合スムーズに複数回における個人へのコロナ禍における現金支給が行われたが。日本では2020年のコロナ禍の初期の頃から、公金での持続化給付金やGO TOキャンペーン(旅行・飲食・宿泊関係)の民間へのほぼ100%を依頼するシステムを構築した結果、詐欺や不正が増えることは大いに予測できた。大手の広告会社(マスメディアの表現)いわゆる電通などが主導して設立した、環境共創イニシアチブや同類のサービスデザイン推進協議会(職員は二十数人)の事務局が多額の手数料を手に入れる構図を作った。そのことは国会でも問題になったが、官庁と広告会社ががっちりスクラムを組み理不尽でも合法化での公金剥奪システムを構築したことが、不正や詐欺の横行を許した起因ともなっていることは認識しておいた方がいい。それにしても、国税局の職員が徒党を組んで持続化給付金の横領に関与し、罪悪感の欠片が微塵もない若者の顔を見ているとなんとも悲しくなってくる。日本は精神的に美しい国だったと見られていたはずだが、欧米列強の理不尽さが体の隅まで侵していることには、まさに日本は憂国というほかはない。「仮想通貨・暗号資産・租税回避」が現代文明の破壊の呼び水という認識が根付いてしまった今、私たちの未来の安寧は現実のものとなりえるのだろうか?





Presented by hirotsugu nishina

Vol.0068 ... "The lawless zone of Japan where illegal receipt of public money and fraud are rampant"


A series of fraudulent cases of sustainable benefits and excessive transfer due to human error by the government office have become social problems. I think most people have a hard time understanding why the Digital Agency, which was finally established decades later, is now. In the United States, cash payments were made to individuals in multiple times with a smooth rate of Korona-ka. In Japan, from the early days of the Korona-ka in 2020, as a result of building a system to request almost 100% of sustainable benefits with public money and GO TO campaign (travel, eating and drinking, accommodation related) to the private sector, fraud and fraud It was highly predictable that fraud would increase. The secretariat of the Environmental Co-creation Initiative and the Service Design Engineering Council (with more than 20 staff members), which was established by a major advertising company (expression of mass media) so-called Dentsu, received a large fee. I made a composition to put it in. That became a problem in the Diet, but I recognize that the fact that the government office and the advertising company firmly formed a scrum and built a legalized public money deprivation system even if it was unreasonable is also the cause of allowing fraud and fraud to spread. You should keep it. Even so, it makes me sad to see the face of a young man who has formed a clique and is involved in the embezzlement of sustainable benefits, and the fragments of guilt are fine. Japan must have been seen as a spiritually beautiful country, but the fact that the unreasonableness of the Western powers has invaded every corner of the body is nothing but a melancholy country. Now that the recognition that "virtual currency, crypto assets, tax avoidance" has taken root as the priming of the destruction of modern civilization, can our future well-being become a reality?

Ukraine and Russia are under pressure to ceasefire or truce without going to reconciliation. We can predict what it will look like, but the success and conclusion of the negotiations depends on the qualities of mutual top leaders who can recognize the lessons of geopolitical history. Oliver Stone, who I personally respect, has been noted in "Ukraine on Fire" and "Documentary film of a solo interview with life-sized Putin", but he is concerned about Japan. Is understandable. Geopolitically, Ukraine was in a puppet position in Russia, but Japan is also in a puppet position in the United States in a sense. Ukraine was eager to join NATO, so Russia carried out a special military operation called an invasion with a tight check. For example, what would the United States do if Japan had a similar government to join the Russian and Chinese camps? It is predicted that the tragedy of a clash between the Self-Defense Forces and the US military will occur, and all cities in Japan will become a sea of ​​fire and will be destroyed as in eastern Ukraine. Even if we say the construction of a peaceful world, in reality it is impossible to protect the country without a powerful military force. Even if it is called the Japan-US Security Treaty, in the event of an emergency, the response to Japan will be considered only after discussions and decisions are made by the U.S. Parliament, so how much continuous combat capability does the SDF have? Is unknown, but it will be very difficult to hold up until US support begins. There is a great absurdity in the Constitution that does not recognize the right to engage in the war when the United States led and proposed the original of the Constitution of Japan, but since Japan surrendered unconditionally, there is no point in saying anything. Twenty years later, it will be a milestone of 100 years after the war, but even after that, Japan has autonomy, but whether it is recognized as a true independent country with air superiority is a future history book. No one knows until you do.


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