I was pruducted my youtube about 58. Novel is about 8+15.
Please come my youtube chanel for 'kandytensui' or 'Moyurupen'.
if you read my novel, I think so your all life will be beautiful.
●公開サイトラインナップ9 site● 1)THE NEW HISTORY EYES for FC2 http://moyurujyukai.blog.fc2.com 2)THE NEW HISTORY EYES for WordPress https://kandytensui.wordpress.com 3)THE NEW HISTORY EYES for Google https://moyurupen.blogspot.com 4)加地鳴海の「新歴史の研究」<潮流戯画手帖> https://ameblo.jp/reiwa1110 5)加地鳴海の新歴史の研究「THE NEW HISTORY EYES」 https://dreamconcept01.hatenablog.com 6)聖域247<潮流戯画手帖> https://blog.goo.ne.jp/seiiki247 7)潮流戯画手帖 for FC2 http://kandytensui.blog.fc2.com 8)THE MS JOURNAL for FC2 http://moyurusekai.blog.fc2.com 9)MIRAIKARANO ARASHI https://miraikaranoarashi.blog.fc2.com ○___________________○ ◆プロフィール:加地鳴海(かじ なるみ、本名:非公開)、新潟県出身。MAU大学卒業後、KG大学で哲学を学ぶ(中退)。大学在学中からデザイン会社創設メンバーに参加・2005年まで)。30歳で銀座玉屋画廊(和光ビル裏)で個展(幻想絵画)開催。グループ展多数。コピーライター養成講座終了・講談社広告企画ディレクター講座受講(1970年代)・マンパワーJでキャリアコンサルタント養成講座修了・都内広告代理店でクリエイティブ・ディレクター、28年間勤務。ヘッドハンティング会社でネット戦略部クリエイティブディレクター。探偵会社での広報PR企画担当。日本郵政グループ(銀座)で11年間サポート。現在、創作小説(短編・中編・長編)執筆中、和製トム・クランシーを目指して鋭意奮闘中。 ○___________________○
★This video is about the crash of JAL Flight 123 that occurred on August 12, 1985. The accident report prepared by the specialized accident investigation committee has too many inconsistencies, and citizens are suspicious. When will the souls and bereaved families of the 498 Japanese and 22 foreigners find peace? There is a tendency for those who defend the perpetrators to scold those who have no choice but to look for conspiracy theories and those who preach the need to restart an uncertain investigation, but first of all, we need your emotional support as our friends around the world to request full disclosure of the CVR and a reinvestigation and to clarify the truth. We are disseminating our personal views and reasoning analysis in the Japanese and English versions of the campaign to promote full disclosure of the CVR. ◯presented and written by Kaji Narumi◯ ◆November 30, 2024 "August 12, 1985 JAL Flight 123 Original Voice Recorder Complete Theory" ◆Before watching the vi...
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