Tensho and Reiwa Transgender Stories

<Reiwa Kenroku 0127 of Tensho Sengoku Pages>


Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate

House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora

Observation record inspection: page


◆Tensho 451 October 27th

“Transgender stories from the Tensho Sengoku era and the Reiwa era”

Although I am a boy, I have never thought of becoming a girl. However, even in the Tensho era, there was no morale for ordinary women to become male warriors. There must have been female castle lords in other countries as well. A world where people try to forcibly change their appearance to suit their feelings by modifying parts of their bodies is not immune, but if you try to pass laws even if you have to twist them, all kinds of problems will probably arise. If I am prepared to go to such lengths to rid myself of "gender dysphoria," I should realize that intending to switch genders with just a letter is a naive idea, and I think it is inevitable that the appearance will be changed. I'm looking forward to it. There is no way that Lord Yakata would allow the people of the territory to change the norms of society without permission. Oyakata-sama's grandfather had been single all his life, and there were rumors that he was transgender due to his backlash against the crime. Since he achieved great achievements as an incarnation of Bishamonten, he ended his life being revered as the god of war. Since humans are born, we must be prepared. He never panics even if he feels uncomfortable. He must ask himself questions and determine his own way of life. This is not the time for what the rules say. Officials at the magistrate's office and other offices are human beings, and their decisions are not absolute, so they follow their fate with strong convictions throughout the course of their lives until they return to the earth. It seems like the rule is that if you remove the ○○, you can look like a woman, thinking that this cannot be the case even though you are a man, even though this is not a special case for gender identity disorder, but I don't understand how the opposite is true. Because you have to remove the ○○ that is unique to women and add something artificially like a man. What will Hajime do? Even if you insist that you became a woman just by writing a letter, it is obvious that a genuine woman will beg you to stop. The same goes for soaking in a bathtub. It would be a scary sight for a woman to claim that she is a woman only by writing a letter, and even if her ○○ is visible, big or small, it would be a scary sight. If a man wanted to become a woman, he would cut out ○○, and conversely, if a woman wanted to become a man, she would be given it. In the Warring States era of the Tensho era, there are no complex issues between men and women like in the Reiwa era, so it is difficult to judge. The important thing is not to cause chaos in society.



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