The Planet of Bears
"Sengoku Page's Reiwa Chronicles 0104"
Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate
Lord: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora
Chronicle Examiner: Page
◆Year 451 of the Tencho Era, September 30th
"The Planet of Bears"
In the distant past of Reiwa, there was a science fiction movie called "Planet of the Apes," which may not be very familiar to the younger inhabitants. It was a tale of astronauts time-traveling to Earth a thousand years into the future, and it was quite shocking. In the 21st century, after a nuclear war, it was unclear whether it was a sudden mutation or not, but instead of humans, apes had evolved and now ruled the Earth. Even in the Reiwa era, we can see signs of such a scenario unfolding. In the land of Japan, bears, driven from their habitats by humans, have even crept into our castles. This is undoubtedly a result of human selfishness, unchecked development, and the expansion of human survival rights. I've heard from the crows that even in the Ban-Tenren territories, there are conflicts among humans over the right to survive. We, humans, including myself, are all trying to claim this planet for ourselves. From the perspective of civilizations in the vast universe with levels far beyond our own, this planet is still considered primitive. That's why our lord has chosen to renounce the secular world and seek enlightenment as Bishamonten. Until the established belief that the speed of light is the fastest in this world is overturned, there will be no progress in human civilization. The world where bears exterminate humans is drawing near. You must be vigilant.
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