2021.10.06 プロフィール(NEW)


Moyurupen Gateはスライドショウに特化したYouTubeチャンネルです。原稿執筆推敲ブログ・メールマガジン・ブログマガジンへの掲載YouTubeのレイアウトデザイン素材作成(30 100カットシーン)JPEG作成PowerDirectorYouTubeにアップロードBGMの決定公開のタイムラインで実行しています。




■仁科 広嗣(にしな ひろつぐ)、KURAさん。

●新潟県生まれ。年齢不詳、実名非公表。祖父は平成天皇がお生まれになられた時、伯父と共に皇居の警備にあたっていた。近衛師団第三歩兵連隊で226事件決起部隊に参加もその後本部隊に復帰、満州、スマトラを回り負傷して帰国、私が三歳の時に他界。新発田城と四十七士の堀部安兵衛の生家は実家にほど近いところにある。先祖は16世紀後半の御館の乱で上杉三郎景虎公(小田原北条家から来た謙信公の養子)の側に付いた加地城主(要害山)に仕えた名もなき武将だったが直江兼続・景勝軍に攻め込まれ、落城。命からがら落ち武者になったが、某農家に助けられ一命を取り留める。かくまってくれたその家とは今でも親戚以上の関係にある。その名は遺言で今でも誰にも明かされていない。高校卒業後は三年間民間企業(写真関係)で従事。ドラクロアの「民衆を率いる自由の女神」を観て覚醒し、絵画制作を極めるため武蔵野美大の門をくぐる。シュール・リアリズム(幻想絵画)の世界に傾倒する。ヌードモデル(絵画)他アルバイトをしながら学費を稼いで25歳で美術大学を卒業、慶應義塾で一年間哲学を学ぶ(中退)。その後、某広告代理店(電通のライバル会社)でクリエイティブ・ディレクターを担当。30歳を機に銀座の玉屋画廊(和光ビルの裏、現在は閉鎖)で個展を開催する。同時に小説創作に目覚める。広告代理店業界を去った後、JRA関係・メトロ新聞関係・リクルートホールディング・サウスタワーで二年間雑誌編集のスーパーバイザー、女性社長探偵社・ヘッドハンティング会社・美術出版関係・流通関係・政治団体関係など取材を兼ね勤務。2008年から2010年まで某広告代理店の代表取締役社長に就任。2011年~2021年まで執筆の傍ら某流通関係でのサポートに従事。●独自の歴史学的視点での評論をblog magazineWeblogYouTubeで展開中、創作小説では目下SF、ハードボイルド(主人公男性版・女性版)、歴史シミュレーション、戦争物、恋愛物他執筆中。現在、YouTube動画小説を展開中。目下、32作品のうち8作品が完成。SNSでは発信していない。ブログは13サイトを運営中です。趣味:学生時代は陸上競技ものまね芸(顔・声帯模写)、ハードロック鑑賞・散策・スポーツ観戦全般・絵画鑑賞・世界の美女研究・文明の興亡史研究・未来予測。尊敬する人物・作家&アーティスト:曹操、エリザベス女王二世、トム・クランシー、アーノルド・トインビー、安井曽太郎、今東光、YMO、尾辻克彦、庄野潤三、ABBA(アイネッタ:女性ボーカル)、テイラー・スイフト、ボン・ジョビ、カール・ベーム。

■<<THE NEW HISTORY EYESはスロージャーナリズムの立場で、聖域やタブーなき公平・中立の表現の自由を守る砦です。Moyurupen Gate Entertainmentsは自由な発想・憶測・推理・予測で縦横無尽に駆け巡ります。

Moyurupen GateのメディアではLINE,Facebook,twitter,インスタグラム等のSNSでは発信しておりません。予めご了承ください。





Moyurupen Gate is a YouTube channel specializing in slide shows. Manuscript writing → Elaboration → Posting in blogs, e-mail magazines, blog magazines → YouTube layout design → Material creation (30 to 100 cutscenes) → JPEG creation → Upload to YouTube with PowerDirector → BGM decision → Execute on public timeline doing.


My Profile ★

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Nishina Hirotsugu, KURA.

Born in Niigata prefecture. Age unknown, real name undisclosed. My grandfather guarded the Imperial Palace with his uncle when Emperor Heisei was born. Participated in the 226 Incident Regiment in the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the Imperial Guard, but then returned to the headquarters, traveled to Manchuria and Sumatra, returned to Japan, and died when I was three years old. The birthplace of Shibata Castle and Yasubee Horibe, the 47th priest, is close to his parents' home. His ancestor was Kanetsugu Naoe, who was an unnamed military commander who served the lord of Kaji Castle (Mt. The castle fell after being attacked by the scenic army. He fell from his life and became a warrior, but he was saved by a farmer. I still have more than a relative with the house that hid me. The name is still unknown to anyone in his will. ● After graduating from high school, engaged in a private company (photograph related) for three years. He awakens to see Delacroix's "Liberty Leading the People" and goes through the gates of Musashino Art University to master his paintings. He devotes himself to the world of surrealism (fantasy painting). ● Nude model (painting), etc. While working part-time, earned tuition and graduated from art university at the age of 25, and studied philosophy at Keio Gijuku for a year (dropped out). ● After that, he was in charge of the creative director at a certain advertising agency (Dentsu's rival company). At the age of 30, he will hold a solo exhibition at Tamaya Gallery in Ginza (behind the Wako Building, now closed). At the same time, he awakens to the novel creation. ● After leaving the advertising agency industry, JRA-related, Metro newspaper-related, Recruit Holding, South Tower magazine editing supervisor for two years, female president detective company, head hunting company, art publishing-related, distribution-related, political organization-related Worked as an interviewer. He was appointed CEO of an advertising agency from 2008 to 2010. From 2011 to 2021, he was engaged in support in a certain distribution relationship while writing. ● He is developing his own critique from a historical perspective on blog magazine, Weblog, YouTube, and currently writing science fiction, hard-boiled (male and female protagonists), historical simulations, warfare, romance, etc. During. She is currently developing a YouTube video novel. Currently, 8 of her 32 works have been completed. She doesn't publish on SNS. Her blog operates 13 sites. ● Her hobbies: Athlete impersonation (face / voice band copying), hard rock appreciation, walking, sports watching in general, painting appreciation, world beauty research, civilization history research, future prediction. ● Respected people / writers & artists: Cao Cao, Queen Elizabeth II, Tom Clancy, Arnold Toinbee, Sotaro Yasui, Toko Kon, YMO, Katsuhiko Otsuji, Junzo Shono, ABBA (Ainetta: Female Vocal), Taylor Swift , Bon Jobi, Karl Böhm.

<< THE NEW HISTORY EYES is a fort that protects the freedom of expression of sanctuary and taboo-free fairness and neutrality from the standpoint of slow journalism. Moyurupen Gate Entertainments runs freely in all directions with free thinking, speculation, reasoning, and prediction.

Moyurupen Gate media does not publish on SNS such as LINE, Facebook, twitter, Instagram. Please note.

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