"How to protect yourself from the COVID-19 pandemic of the 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics"


Presented by hirotsugu nishina
Vol.0037… "How to protect yourself from the COVID-19 pandemic of the 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics"
2021 Olympic non-participation saves your lives from COVID-19!!!
In 2021, July was reached, and it was about three weeks before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Vaccine development in Japan has not progressed at all, and the medical field is considerably confused due to the dependence on foreign vaccine supply. Nevertheless, the Japanese government is trying to force the holding of the Olympics with an inoculation strategy that also serves as a clinical trial for vaccines distributed by Pfizer and Moderna. The fact that the IOC is keeping pace with Japan without worrying about the pandemic of COVID-19 due to the hosting of the Olympic Games, while maintaining the position of a commercial organization based on the broadcasting rights fee (NBC) The possibility of causing various tragedy and casualties and inducing the apocalypse of hell is increasing day by day. This is a terrible situation. Since there are no reports that His Majesty the Emperor and the Empress have been vaccinated, participation in the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games is in jeopardy. It is rumored that there will be more than 100 boycotts of the participating countries in the Olympics, but it seems that only French President Emmanuel Macron will attend among the G7 members such as President Biden, Prime Minister Johnson and Chancellor Merkel. 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games, the Xi Jinping Mr. and South Korea is also the opening ceremony the President has become abnormal situation that does not attend. Under such circumstances, tens of thousands of people involved in the Games, including IOC Chairman Bach, will enter the country, but it is predicted that the infection will reach its peak between the opening and closing ceremonies because the infection of COVID-19 is in the midst of spreading in Tokyo. Is set up. Mutant strains of COVID-19 are growing in more than a dozen species in proportion to vaccination. Viruses that have been coexisting with humans for hundreds of thousands or millions of years can only survive in the human body, so even if they are attacked by external antibodies, they are mutated for self-defense. There may be circumstances that must be taken. Vaccine clinical trials are also approved in the form of special measures in the middle of the road, but vaccine development companies effectively outweigh the risk of not inoculating by inoculating clinical trials as well. I repeat the incomprehensible claim. It supplies the world with a contract that it does not guarantee even if there are casualties due to side reactions. To that extent, I personally have no choice but to improve immunity and survive the worst situation with innate immunity and acquired immunity without relying on vaccines. Moyurupen Gate's suggestion is to "withdraw from the courageous Olympics," but I don't want to think about the scary ending of the Olympic-forced drama. Perhaps it must be clearly stated in future world history 50 years from now. Since 2013, when the bid was decided for the host country Japan's Olympic measures, strays, confusion and absurdity have been repeated, and the Olympics are about to be canceled due to the counter punch and body blow called COVID-19. 1) The cause of reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake has disappeared, 2) Under-control of contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear power plant has become impossible after birth, and 3) Ms. ZAHA's new national stadium design proposal has been withdrawn without permission, and the unpopular "toilet bowl" The appearance of the best work proposed by Ms. ZAHA became an illusion. 4) The problem of plagiarism of the Olympic emblem intensified, and it was remade again. 5) The issue of remittance of back money to the IOC members in the bid for the Olympic Games continues to this day. 6) There are concerns about the cost of low-budget competitions approaching the Rio Olympics due to measures against the heat wave. 7) The identity of the IOC was revealed, forcing a review of the modern Olympics.
Where is the idea of ​​the modern Olympics going from now on, as the cause of hosting the Olympics has been slaughtered?


Presented by hirotsugu nishina




2021年も7月を迎えオリンピックの開会式まであと三週間ほどになった。日本国内でのワクチン開発も一向に進まず、外国のワクチン供給依存一辺倒で医療現場は相当混乱している。それでも日本政府はファイザーやモデルナ社から配給されたワクチンの治験を兼ねた接種戦略でオリンピックの開催を強行しようとしている。IOC側も放映権料(NBC)をベースにした営利団体という立場を貫いて、オリンピック開催によるCOVID-19のパンデミックへの懸念も意に介さず日本と歩調を合わせている事実は、オリンピックの強行開催による様々な悲劇や犠牲者を生み、地獄の黙示録を誘発させる可能性は日を追うごとに強まっている。これは由々しき事態だ。天皇陛下や皇后もワクチン接種を済ませたという報道もないことからオリンピックの開会式のセレモニーでの参加も危ぶまれている。五輪予定参加国のボイコットも100カ国以上になるという噂もあるが、バイデン大統領やジョンソン首相、メルケル首相などG7のメンバーの中ではではフランスのマクロン大統領以外は出席しない模様だ。2020東京オリンピックは、習近平氏や韓国の大統領も開会式には出席しないという異常事態となった。そういう中、IOCのバッハ会長はじめ大会関係者は数万人も入国するが、東京都ではCOVID-19の感染拡大のまっただ中にあり、開会式から閉会式の間に感染のピークを迎えると言う予測が立てられている。COVID-19の変異株がワクチン接種と比例して十数種類に増殖している。何十万年、何百万年も前から人類やと共生を図ってきたウイルス達は人体の中でしか生き残れないため、外部からの抗体に攻められたとしても、自己防御のため変異していかなければならない事情もあるのだろう。ワクチンの治験も道半ばで特例措置という形で認められてはいるが、ワクチン開発会社は実質的には治験を兼ねた接種をすることにより、「接種をすることは、しないことのリスクを上回る」という訳の分からない主張を繰り返している。副反応での犠牲者が出ても保証しないと言う契約で世界に供給している。そこまで言うなら、個人的にはワクチンに頼らず、免疫力を高めて自然免疫・獲得免疫で最悪の状況から乗り切るしか手立てがない。「勇気ある五輪からの撤退」というのがMoyurupen Gateからの提言だが、オリンピック強行開催での怖ろしいドラマの結末は考えたくもない。おそらく50年先の未来の世界史では克明に記されているに違いない。開催国ニッポンのオリンピック対策には招致が決まった2013年以来迷走と混乱と不条理を繰り返し、COVID-19というカウンターパンチとボディブロウを浴びてオリンピックの中止が目前という状況にある。1)東日本大震災復興という大義名分は消え去り、2)福島原発汚染水のアンダーコントロールが生後不能となり、3ZAHA女史の新国立競技場のデザイン案を無断で撤回し、不人気な「便器の様なデザイン」と各国から称され、ZAHA女史提案の最高作品の姿が幻となった。4)オリンピックのエンブレム盗用問題が激化し、再度作り直された。5)オリンピック招致でのIOC委員への裏金送金問題が現在まで続いている。6)酷暑対策などで低予算大会がリオ五輪に迫る経費が懸念される。7IOCの正体が露呈し、近代五輪の見直しを余儀なくされた。







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