Descendant's tactics and civilized fate.
Without fighting, I "win", for, it can also be said a basis of descendant's tactics, but before fighting each other, it's withdrawn from one step, and there is also meaning that I think, utilize the search of cause and wisdom and avoid a quarrel deeply. I have to read a friction with these Europe Great Powers country in 400 and Islam various countries, even if a retaliative chain is piled up, how much doesn't mutual peace come? It'll be a beginning that Mr. Bush after 911 made the message a classic phrase as "crusade" in the 21st century. Statement of Islamic nation only responded to that. It's the pot of which they think this terrorism in Paris where an innocent citizen was sacrifice is permitted, but to say retaliation by an aerial bombardment. The Islamic nation is related to the excuse which has it by expansion of a war by a chain of mutual hate for drawing komeou into an unnecessary sumo ring and increases a rule area. The harmony with Islam society which became impoverished by the great navigation era in the Europe Great Powers and 2 world wars and the national existence in the viewpoint mediated neutrally to find and settle a start of a discussion are also necessary. It's thought that the business is suitable, but Japan is the one as impossibility very much by politics of flattery with the US. That would be able to call the country where you can have the posture through the morality made resolute which does the remonstrance to which you can say a thing Japan. That isn't made by the politics in Nagata-cho now.
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