
Showing posts from September, 2023

VIVANT and Nokizaru

 <Sengoku pager's Reiwa record 0106> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 October 1st "VIVANT and Nokizaru" Reiwa TV stations air many entertainment programs led by comedians, but occasionally you can catch a glimpse of a serious drama. Nihonmoto is at a level where it can't quite catch up to Chinese historical dramas or the dramas produced by Amerika's Seirin, but if you put your mind to it, you should be able to make good works. ``Oshin'', ``Slam Dunk'', ``Sailor Moon'', ``Freezing Point'', ``White Tower'', ``Barren Zone'', ``Seven Samurai'', ``Ran'', ``Kagemusha'', ``Heaven and Earth'', ``Hanzawa'' Naoki” and other products are comparable to those in the world. Recently, the drama ``VIVANT'' has been attracting attention. Even if the very ex...

The Planet of Bears

"Sengoku Page's Reiwa Chronicles 0104" ○___________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Lord: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Chronicle Examiner: Page ○___________________○ ◆Year 451 of the Tencho Era, September 30th "The Planet of Bears" In the distant past of Reiwa, there was a science fiction movie called "Planet of the Apes," which may not be very familiar to the younger inhabitants. It was a tale of astronauts time-traveling to Earth a thousand years into the future, and it was quite shocking. In the 21st century, after a nuclear war, it was unclear whether it was a sudden mutation or not, but instead of humans, apes had evolved and now ruled the Earth. Even in the Reiwa era, we can see signs of such a scenario unfolding. In the land of Japan, bears, driven from their habitats by humans, have even crept into our castles. This is undoubtedly a result of human selfishness, unchecked development, and the expansion of human survival rights. I'v...

Sengoku pager's Reiwa record 0103

 <Sengoku pager's Reiwa record 0103> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 September 28th “Suspicions and conspiracy theories about COVID-19 vaccine pharmaceutical companies” Three years have passed since the coronavirus leaked from a virus research institute in Wuhan in which companies from China and Asia and other countries had invested together during the Reiwa era, rapidly turning into a pandemic. I don't know how true or false it is, but Mr. Oyakata has received a report from Ekenzaru that the more vaccinations from various pharmaceutical companies, the more deaths from cancer. They sold it to countries all over the world, using the special exception of treating it as an emergency as a cover, before the clinical trials were even complete. I have heard that vaccine pharmaceutical companies receive a large amount of money. Until 2019, the mortality r...

Where is Takakeitora?

 <Sengoku pagekeeper's Reiwa record 0102> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 September 26th “Where is Takakeitora?” There are a wide variety of martial arts competitions in Reiwa, so I'm having trouble deciding where to watch them. Things that have come to my attention recently include Otani-dono's dual wielding and injuries, female track and field warriors, and sumo wrestling since the Tensho era, and Lord Oyagata has given me permission to express my thoughts on this. MLB teams are busy acquiring baseball samurai from free agency, but I have heard from Kenzaru that many large-scale, long-term contracts are made through agents. It will be difficult for Otani-dono, a dual-wielding samurai who will turn 31 next year, to win the title. Because your weaknesses will be thoroughly marked. In 2023, the home run king is almost certain due to the slump o...

Chapter 21: How to survive life exhilaratingly

 <Sengoku pager's Reiwa record 0100> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 September 23rd “Chapter 21: How to survive life exhilaratingly” I realized that the way people manage their lives is the same in both the Sengoku era and the Reiwa era. There are many lessons hidden in the ancient legends. Whatever I say, it may not be something that will be of any use to you, but there is some reference to it, so if you are interested, please read it carefully. Chapter 1: Even in the Warring States era, it is difficult to easily move people's hearts. Even if you try to move the other person's heart by picking up on signs through psychological strategies, secret plans, or superficial gestures or trends in speech, it cannot be said that your plan has truly succeeded. This is because thoughts and actions without virtue and trustworthiness are already ridicule...


  <戦国小姓の令和見聞録 0100 > ○___________________○ 春日山城、鳴海幕府 お屋形様:上杉道満丸景虎 見聞録検め:小姓 ○___________________○ ◆天正四百五十一年 九月二十三日 「人生を爽快に生き抜く処世術二十一章」 戦国の世も令和の世も人の人生の処世術は同じだと心得る。古来からの言い伝えには教訓が多く潜んでおる。拙者がいうのも何じゃが、読んで為になる代物でもないやもしれぬが、何らかの参考すべきところはある故、ご関心がござれば心してお読みなされるが良い。 第一章:戦国の世でも簡単に人の心を動かすのは事の他難しいものじゃ。心理的戦略や秘策または表面的な仕草や話し方の動向で兆候を捉えて、相手の心を動かしたとしても誠に謀が成就したとは言えぬ。なぜなら徳や信頼感のない思慮と行動はすでに冷笑されているからなのでござる。 第二章:策士は策に溺れやすい。勝ったら緒を締め自慢げに使った策を懲りずに練ろうとするものじゃ。戦いの極意は未来永劫手の内を明かさず、伝家の宝刀の使い所を誤らない事でござる。 第三章:永年鳴かず飛ばずの苦境に身を置いたとしても諦めず、周到な準備は怠ってはならぬ。良い機会はいつかある日突然必ず訪れるものじゃ。目に見えぬ日頃の精進が自己成長と人間の度量を大きくさせるもの故、初対面でも相手の目には瞬時に投影されると心得よ。 MLB で三十路の頃から十年間連続 200 本安打という前人未踏の記録を残したイチロー殿には、目に見えぬ努力と研鑽を積んでおるはずじゃ。訳の分からぬトミー・ジョン手術にも縁はなかったのでござる。反面、大谷殿は目に見え過ぎるところで努力をしておるそうじゃが、再三のトミー・ジョン手術で二刀流の壁が大きく立ちはだかっておる事実は消える物ではない故、 FA での契約では各球団も厳しい精査と見積もりを図るのは致し方がない。苦境での目に見えない努力が見ものじゃ。   第四章:人相は人間関係に大きな影響を与えるものでござる。内心を偽って綺麗に装っても面相の何処かに必ず謀の筋が現れるもの故、努々油断をしてはならぬ。目は心の中を無意識に反映させるものなのじゃ。 第五章:相手の本性や本音をあぶり出すには、油断と隙を誘い酩酊と最大限の怒りを呼びこむ...

Sengoku pager's Reiwa record 0098

___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ___________________ ◆Tensho 451 September 18th “Behind the scenes of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s non-disclosure of data after coronavirus vaccination” It seems that the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare is the guard post in charge of the health of the people of the Reiwa Shogunate, but isn't it said that an old monster hangs out in the mysterious fortress called the Cabinet Office? Mutated strains of the COVID-19 coronavirus are appearing endlessly, but what exactly does this mean? The current status of the coronavirus infection in Japan has become completely unclear. Lord Yakata is also worried about the people of Reiwa, so this is a problem. The profiteering of vaccine development companies in Asia and the United Kingdom is flagrant, and there seems to be something behind the inexplicable proliferation of mutant strains. It is clear that...

Guess I'll Never know(lyric)


Sengoku Pageboy's Reiwa Chronicles 0096

 "Sengoku Pageboy's Reiwa Chronicles 0096" ○────────────────○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Lord: Uesugi Michimaru Kagetora Chronicle Examiner: Pageboy ○────────────────○ ◆Year 451 of the Tenbō Era, September 17th "The Ultimate Thirty Chapters for Creating a Great Aura" It seems that in the Reiwa era, great individuals are not often seen. In the Sengoku period of the Tenbō era, one had to make a bold impression, as being perceived as insignificant could be a matter of life and death. Everyone is desperate to create a sense of greatness. If you wish to become a great figure in the Reiwa era, consider these Sengoku prescriptions for reference. It should be noted that anyone can become great. Chapter One: It's important to stand out, whether individually or as part of an organization. Take Hideyoshi-dono, who earned the favor of Lord Nobunaga simply by warming his sandals with his body—a man known as the most handsome in the Sengoku period. Any talent or ...

Sengoku Pageboy's Reiwa Chronicles 0085

 ○━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Lord: Uesugi Domanmaru Maru Kagetora Kenbunroku Examiner: Pageboy ○━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━○ ◆Year 451 of the Tencho Era, September 15th "The Ninth Wave of COVID-19 and Influenza Spread" The fact that the vaccine for the novel coronavirus, which began in 2019, has been administered as a combined trial, is known to our lord through the investigations of Kenson, but there are suspicions that Western pharmaceutical companies are administering the RMA vaccine endlessly to the people of Japan without being able to produce their own vaccine. It is widely rumored that they have obtained trillions of yen and are embarking on the cultivation of new viruses. I have heard that America has invested a large amount of funds in Chinese vaccine research institutes, examining the effectiveness of vaccines and planning to profit from the development of new vaccines in the face of another pandemic. We must not be deceived. We m...

Surviving the Ice Age: Strategies for the Glacial Epoch

"Sengoku Page's Reiwa Chronicles 0070" ○───────────────────○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Lady of the Castle: Uesugi Dōmanemaru Kagetora Chronicle Observer: Page Boy ○───────────────────○ ◆Year 451 of the Tenshō Era, September 4th "Surviving the Ice Age: Strategies for the Glacial Epoch" The saying goes, "Haste makes waste," and it's only natural that reason retreats when one insists on the impossible. One must approach it with great care, just like General Koyama. The Sengoku period during the Tenshō era boasted a remarkably moderate climate, enabling intense colonial conflicts worldwide. In contrast, in the modern Reiwa era, it is said that the global population is nearing ten billion. Our Earth is also on the brink of an impending ice age due to global warming caused by CO2, which could lead to solar radiation-blocking phenomena. Lady of the Castle understands that the excessive growth in population can lead to conflicts arising from food...

The Earth's Contaminated Water and the World a Century Later

 "Sengoku Page Boy's Record of Reiwa 0068" ○___________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Lord: Uesugi Michitomo Maru Kagetora Record Examiner: Page Boy ○___________________○ ◆Year 451 of the Tencho Era, September 1st "The Earth's Contaminated Water and the World a Century Later" According to the report from the eavesdropping monkey of Kasugayama Castle, it is said that during the bid for the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, the shogunate of Japan, through various means, managed to secure the support of individuals within the organizing committee by offering them substantial sums of money. Furthermore, they falsely assured the International Olympic Committee (IOC) that the issues related to nuclear plant contaminated water were under control, so there was no need to worry. However, as of 2023, Japan has released radioactive contaminated water into the ocean, far exceeding the levels seen in China at the time. They claim that Japan's water discharge is una...