
Showing posts from July, 2021

"Humanity and pandemic, coexistence with coronavirus"

  THE NEW HISTORY EYES Presented by hirotsugu nishina   Vol.0040 … 『人類とパンデミック、コロナウイルスとの共生』   COVID-19 の感染拡大がこれまでの勢いを超え、ウイルス株がアルファ株→ベータ株→ガンマ株→デルタ株と変異し、ラムダ株というこれまでとは数段感染力の強いものになっている。ワクチン接種を二回で完了しても、三回目の接種も必要となるとワクチン開発製薬会社はアナウンスしているが、ブレイクスルー感染(二回接種しても再び感染する)も顕著になっている。ウイルス感染の終息はワクチンだけでは難しいという状況だ。特効薬もまだ完全なものが出来ていないという事情もある。 2020 東京五輪開催中止という英断をせず、 2020 東京五輪開催とコロナ感染は無関係という日本政府の見解は全く理解できない。海外のメディアも五輪の強行開催に警鐘を鳴らしている。私の勝手な筋立てだが、ギリシャ文字のラムダというのは 4 番目のデルタの次にではなく、いくつか飛び超えての順番で、その文字の扱いからみて相当デルタ株より強い感染力をもった変異株だということがわかる。そういう意味で考えると、 2020 東京五輪変異株が認められれば、最後の文字のオメガ株に匹敵する感染力となる可能性は排除できない。五輪開催都市がロックダウン相当の状況でも強行に大会を遂行したら負の遺産を次世代に渡すという事になるかも知れない。これは日本にとって恥ずべき問題だ。紀元後 2000 年間、大きく分けて三回ほど人類はパンデミックと遭遇した。天然痘は現在ワクチンを接種すれば生涯効果があるとされている。インフルエンザ(スペイン風邪)は 5000 万人から一億人が死亡した。黒死病(ペスト)は六世紀、 14 世紀、十九世紀から二十世紀にパンデミックになっている。十四世紀の中国から発生した黒死病は、全人口の 50 %が死亡、それがシルクロード(貿易)などをわたって、ヨーロッパ・北アフリカ・中東に広まった。ヨーロッパでは当時の全人口の三割が死亡、十九世紀においてはインドで 1200 万人ほどが死亡した。今回の COVID-19 は三年で二億人が感染し、 500 万人が死亡するという状況にあるが、事実上治験を兼ねたワクチ...

2024.USA President comes back to now again!


YouTube Global channel-247 Concept Guide

  ●YouTube Global channel-247 Concept Guide ________________● "THE NEW HISTORY EYES" is available in three media: Weblog, Magazinblog, and YouTube. 1) Main manuscript → 2) Posted on 13 site weblog → 3) Published on magazine blog → 4) We are proceeding in the order of transmission on YouTube slide show. Let's stimulate the intellect! Let's awaken the sensibility! Let's regain good sense! ★ "THE NEW HISTORY EYES" Moyurupen Gate deals with creative novels (short stories, feature films, ultra-short stories, essays, columns), critiques, JRA horse racing forecasts, Ginza mannequins current affairs talk series, Sengoku warlords laughter roundtable series, recommendations There are a wide variety of series. ○_知性を刺激しよう! 感性を覚醒させよう! 良識を取り戻そう!_○ ★YouTube Channel ◆Moyurupen Gate ◆Moyurupen Gate2 ●________________●

Global YouTube Channel...0039

Vol.0039… "The weight of words and the responsibility of language in thoughts and actions"     In the past, an artist who was proud of bullying on SNS (Mr. Oyamada in charge of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics) and the fact that the expression of the Jewish genocide was incorporated into the control was revealed (directing of the opening and closing ceremonies of the Olympics Director Mr. Kobayashi) has become unable to take on the main duties of the opening and closing ceremonies of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics. This can be said to be common sense and natural. This is because it is like denying the position of the IOC, which has the basic causes of world peace, reciprocity, symbiosis, and trust. The opening ceremony was held as planned while it was unavoidable to cancel the opening and closing ceremonies as well as the Olympics, but it was too simple and unsatisfactory for the show that kept costs down as much as possible. A lot remained. C...

20210723-MoyurupenGate Tour for World peace


Opening Crisis 2021 Tokyo Olympics Forced Eve

    T he pandemic of the COVID-19 virus from the year before last has not stopped. The number of infected people will be in late July 2021, and the number of infected people will approach 200 million worldwide. The number of mutant strains is increasing steadily, and there are concerns about the emergence of pandemic mutant strains due to the Olympics. Vaccine development companies in the United States and the United Kingdom are fighting for vaccination, but without showing a solid indicator of safety and effectiveness, they are pushing ahead with a close-out strategy, and there are side reactions and effects on the body due to vaccination. The situation continues. German authorities have banned AstraZeneca vaccines for people over the age of 65. Major development companies such as Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca have made considerable investments and are attracting attention for emergency inoculation, but how far can a silver bullet cover up to the variant of COVID-19 be p...

pandemic2021 olympic


weekly magazinblog ...0038,coming soon

 "COVID-19 and 2021 Tokyo Olympics Forced Eve"   The pandemic of the COVID-19 virus from the year before last has not stopped. The number of infected people will be in late July 2021, and the number of infected people will approach 200 million worldwide. The number of mutant strains is increasing steadily, and there are concerns about the emergence of pandemic mutant strains due to the Olympics. Vaccine development companies in the United States and the United Kingdom are fighting for vaccination, but without showing a solid indicator of safety and effectiveness, they are pushing ahead with a close-out strategy, and there are side reactions and effects on the body due to vaccination. The situation continues. German authorities have banned AstraZeneca vaccines for people over the age of 65. Major development companies such as Moderna, Pfizer, and AstraZeneca have made considerable investments and are attracting attention for emergency inoculation, but how far can a silver ...

Don't Watching 2021 Moyurupen Gate Youtube!!!



On July 10, 2021, there were 950 newly infected people in Tokyo. There may be more than 2,000 people at the opening ceremony of the Olympics. The first dose was completed at the vaccination site on this day, but the effectiveness of the US vaccine is only one-sided information from pharmaceutical companies, and there are clearly many unknown points. Most people will be surprised to receive the vaccination just like in a clinical trial, but Pfizer has announced that the antibody will be maintained for about half a year after the second vaccination, but that the third vaccination will be effective after that. Wouldn't this mean that vaccination would continue the chicken race with the mutant virus forever? Therefore, it is self-evident that there is a growing voice that the drug should be replaced with a silver bullet rather than a vaccine. There are also many breathtaking professionals (people who get paid and propaganda) from foreign pharmaceutical companies. It is natural that ...

The withdrawal of athletes from the courageous Olympics is of honor and value to the gold medalist!


Moyurupen Gate novels


TTHE NEW HISTORY EYES 2021 for End of the World!!


"How to protect yourself from the COVID-19 pandemic of the 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics"

  THE NEW HISTORY EYES Presented by hirotsugu nishina   Vol.0037… "How to protect yourself from the COVID-19 pandemic of the 2021 Tokyo Summer Olympics"   2021 Olympic non-participation saves your lives from COVID-19!!!   In 2021, July was reached, and it was about three weeks before the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games. Vaccine development in Japan has not progressed at all, and the medical field is considerably confused due to the dependence on foreign vaccine supply. Nevertheless, the Japanese government is trying to force the holding of the Olympics with an inoculation strategy that also serves as a clinical trial for vaccines distributed by Pfizer and Moderna. The fact that the IOC is keeping pace with Japan without worrying about the pandemic of COVID-19 due to the hosting of the Olympic Games, while maintaining the position of a commercial organization based on the broadcasting rights fee (NBC) The possibility of causing various tragedy and casualties and...

