
Showing posts from November, 2015

FBI is Hitler escape confidential document release.

The young people traveling in Spain in 1945. I boarded a train. An elderly monk was there to be seen across the seat. The traveler was thinking the physiognomy of the monk met somewhere. But it can't be remembered no matter what. Thinking "Who were you....?" I arrived at the station in the destination and got off. Then you can speak from the ten and several men who got off the train. "Could you say this thing to no one? Please... ". They went and went away and boarded a train again so that the monk form might be surrounded. Several hours later, a traveler knew Berlin surrender. It was the sense to which electricity runs in the body. Now when the character of the monk has passed for seventy years. It's being disclosed to no one. ● Hitler who can scratch recovery with an Argentine Nazis German community for the world metropolitan realization? I say that I lived even ninety-five years old. A testimony person in those days says that he's ho...

Relation between John's Book of Revelations and IS.

ヨハネの黙示録とISの関係。 私達は聖書のヨハネの黙示録を軽視してはいけません。全て予言どおりとは言わないまでも、かなりの部分で今の時代と符合する文面があるからです。西欧列強はオスマン帝国を崩壊させたところから、現在の紛争の基になった下地を世界に作ってしまった。イギリスから独立した米国も、フランスとともに中東各国を植民地化した経緯は歴史的事実です。ISが核兵器を所有する可能性は非常に高い。パキスタン、インド、イラン、イスラエル、そしてサウジアラビアも所有するようになるでしょう。日本は米国の監視下にあり、米国の隷属化にあり、国連の支持のない有志連合に組み入れられており、安倍氏もそれに甘んじています。それが日本にとって最悪の状況であり、核兵器のない世界の構築は到底望めない。21世紀は正に獣の争いの時代といえそうですが、90年代の湾岸戦争は米国の自作自演の感があり、911同時テロもアフガン、イラク紛争もしっかり繋がっているように思います。ハルマゲドンの地は、シリアやイラクのあたりですが、まさにヨハネの黙示録のシナリオ通りに、歴史は動いて行かざるを得ない状況をあなたはどうみていますか。 العلاقة بين الوحي وهو. أننا نقلل من شأن الوحي في الكتاب المقدس.  SM كل توقع أن أقول أيضا، يتفق مع التقدم في السن في  بعض الأجزاء. حققت القوى الغربية في العالم من الإمبراطورية العثمانية إلى انهيار الركيزة الأساسية للصراع الحالي. الولايات المتحدة مستقلة من المملكة المتحدة والشرق الأوسط بلدان استعمرت مع تاريخ فرنسا حقيقة تاريخية. إمكانية امتلاك الأسلحة النووية هو عالية للغاية. وسوف تكون مملوكة من باكستان، والهند، وإيران، وإسرائيل، والمملكة العربية السعودية. اليابان تحت إشراف الو...

Descendant's tactics and civilized fate.

Without fighting, I "win", for, it can also be said a basis of descendant's tactics, but before fighting each other, it's withdrawn from one step, and there is also meaning that I think, utilize the search of cause and wisdom and avoid a quarrel deeply. I have to read a friction with these Europe Great Powers country in 400 and Islam various countries, even if a retaliative chain is piled up, how much doesn't mutual peace come? It'll be a beginning that Mr. Bush after 911 made the message a classic phrase as "crusade" in the 21st century. Statement of Islamic nation only responded to that. It's the pot of which they think this terrorism in Paris where an innocent citizen was sacrifice is permitted, but to say retaliation by an aerial bombardment. The Islamic nation is related to the excuse which has it by expansion of a war by a chain of mutual hate for drawing komeou into an unnecessary sumo ring and increases a rule area. The harmony with Isl...

2Xonly planet by kandy hollywood


kandy hollywood novel-8 line up


kandy hollywood column vol.0001


The Next Impulse 1936
