
Showing posts from June, 2015

A Secret Message from the Showa Emperor Whitney's papers.

昭和天皇の本心。 A Secret Message from the Showa Emperor Whitney's papers. The document poses some unusual problems for scholars. Typed in English, classified "Top Secret," and covering a little more than three double-spaced pages, it is devoted entirely to summarizing the emperor's opinions as conveyed through an intermediary. Until the early 1970s, it was in the personal possession of MacArthur's former aide and personal confidant, General Courtney Whitney, although it is not mentioned in either Whitney's or MacArthur's memoirs. Whitney's papers were turned over to the MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk, Virginia, and declassified in 1978. The Text of the Memorandum [Verbatim reproduction of the original English typescript] He said that the Emperor wanted him to explain the basis for the latter's remark of a couple of weeks ago that he hoped the Occupation would not be too short. The Emperor felt that there were still many remnants of feudalis...

日本の真相 鬼塚英昭


Behind The Mask


Madonna - Sticky & Sweet Tour HD


Lady Gaga - Concert for "A Decade Of Difference" - Association of Bill C...


Lady Gaga - Imagine (Live at Baku 2015 European Games Opening Ceremony)


Eric Clapton Behind The Mask 1987 Live


Welcome to My youtube world!

I was pruducted my youtube about 58. Novel is about 8+15. Please come my youtube chanel for 'kandytensui' or 'Moyurupen'. if you read my novel, I think so your all life will be beautiful.

The way to win Youtube by a golden rule.

The way to win Youtube by a golden rule. After a blog and a blog magazine are published at USA, 14 years. In Japan, 10 years. Meanwhile in google, youtube, twitter, facebook and Line. I also help with the spread of a determinative social communication tool. I have come at the time also to reorganize the leaving location of the mass media. To form the mainstream out of personal media from now on in it? A blog and the blog magazine which evolved more. It's pushed towards SNS of a short form chat for a while, a touch. I don't get away in the mainstream. And it's an animation site as youtube to color those by far the most. I have to take something by myself by an animation site. I often stick to a threat concept, but there are no such things. A portrait right problem on the taken side would be all right. In short it's here to make a picture of the perfect original by oneself. Then, it's enumerated in the following how to do. 1) even if I say an anim...


TPP = TAA + TPA. The TPA bill which is the premise of the TPP bill (trade promotion right bill: The bill over which president's right is taken top priority) was approved by the Lower House, but TAA (Rice trade adjustment support system: An employment support system and the expenditure of the government increase substantially.) is rejected by the Lower House. TPP needs a set approval with TAA, so the one finished in rupture or prediction isn't permitted, is it?

YMO - Thousand Knives ~ Tong Poo - Live at The Greek Theater 1979

YMO - Thousand Knives ~ Tong Poo - Live at The Greek Theater 1979

New Style of Novel


____Welcome to Moyurupen! and Kandytensui world......____

★ようこそ、youtube短時間視認性動画小説劇場(YSTVMNT)の世界へ★ ◆Youtube Short Time Visibility Movie Novel Theater(YSTVMNT) ◆ (ユーチューブ短時間視認性動画小説劇場) ★長編小説から短編小説、TVドラマ・映画の原作、エッセイ、自己啓発、日記、自分史の執筆原稿を、ユーチューブで展開。ワンカットシーン(スライド)が3秒から8秒で、音楽に合わせて読破できる「ユーチューブ短時間視認性動画小説劇場」<Youtube Short Time Visibility Movie Novel Theater(YSTVMNT)>、別名<ユスティーブメント小説><ステルス動画小説>といいます。ユーチューブでの鑑賞は、シアターモードの大きなサイズを推奨します。ワンカット―シーンは時間が短いので、一時停止等でご調整ください。 ★ ______________________________  ■麻倉孝則(あさくらたかのり、Takanori Asakura)  ☆youtubeのチャンネル ↓ ・moyurupen ・kandytensui _ _____________________________  ★自己紹介◆運命数=11 ◆新潟県生まれ。武蔵野美術大学で油彩を専攻。慶應義塾では哲学を学ぶ。30歳で銀座で個展開催他グループ展多数。広告企画ディレクター講座、宣伝会議コピーライター講座終了。広告代理店で制作クリエイティブディレクター、プロモーション、広告営業企画などを担当。キャリアカウンセリングスクールを修了。大手ヘッドハンティング会社の広報・ネット戦略部クリエイティブディレクターを担当、某サラブレッドクラブ専属広告代理店、メトロガイド営業企画、外資系の宣伝企画部、大手探偵会社広報企画部、美術系出版社の営業・広報企画、流通関係に従事。エンターテインメントジャーナリズム、パロディジャーナリズムの斜め視点の歯に衣着せぬ、公明正大な観点での作品を目指しています。小説の執筆、ブログマガジン、youtube動画小説を開設中。美大先輩の尾辻克彦(赤瀬川原平)さんを尊敬しています。作品は、「moyurupen、 kandytensui」でご検索ください。 http://...