
Showing posts from 2015

An affair 100 years before seen from A.D. 2115.

A picture of an impact from 100 years before is let run by a program of NHK Japan. You make realize how a strategy to Islam society in the Europe Great Powers which involve born cause of IS was by reason no-dedication. With resignation a chain of hate from the 100 years before still follows. I advance the way to the peace which became impossible. Uneasiness in today Bunmei can't help be received obediently. Mr. Abe is tossed and loses sight of oneself at the time. A wise judgement isn't done any more. By a secret agreement in United Kingdom in the World War I and France. The Ottoman Empire cut strategy bore rise of today's IS Isramic militant. You'd be able to say the cause which is most and. Jewish settle to Palestine starts from this time. It's also a foundation to Israeli foundation. USA was added and was the aspect of the solved impossibility by today there. The future human hardship suitable for social realization of symbiosis coexistence is expected. It'l...

welcome to moyurupen novel world


Lonesome Area

The sky where a presidential aircraft of 20XX age USA is the Middle East, I have made a force landing with flying engine trouble. Surprisingly, the party became a president with a hostage in the rule area in IS in the area. IS possessed a stone and the vice-president of the White House who informed the whole world of a retaliative plan ordered Syrian whole nuclear use with Iraq. UN announces that it's near at the end of the Middle East and the world officially. There was last fact that the world knows and doesn't get it at all in its back. When going just as it is, a human last referee marked the history on John's Revelation scenario street. The Japanese new young leader and Mr.KURUMI prime minister who determined to rescue the world offered American agency with IS. Does the mankind have the future really?

The way to become an author in YouTube.

A word as a U tuber is published and long. To whichever industry I go, the competition is keen. You aren't supposed to consider plotting related to the income easily. What, it's done, starting funds are costly. (It isn't a money face.) The one of the question which can live by an author is talk of the limited world. Even if he gets glory of Akutagawa prize and Naoki Prize in Japan, Jisaku has to be able to write it. It's severe as an author. I think the value of Mr.Matayoshi is Nisaku and three crop list, so the situation that now is wait-and-see. An author is the reason which lives by a magazine and the royalty income from the publishing company mainly. Even if an obscure writer and some degrees become famous, the person with the vague living income? It should be very much. When a side job isn't done, you aren't supposed to live. So it's said that there is also a viewpoint to which I say that I fight by different media, not a conventional method...

The reason that USA doesn't also protect Japan by an emergency.

In 2016, Mr. Shinzo Abe ruins himself by security related bills. A diplomatic confidential document by a U.S.-Japan security relation is released at USA. That the United States forces in Japan are the viewpoint where I don't participate in a Japanese emergency. It was revealed. To say so? TOIU which defends Japan only by Japan Self-Defense Forces when it's an emergency, and, it'll be. The United States forces in Japan aren't here to protect Japan. It's said that it's here only for a military strategy in Southeast Asia. A concept of use of right of collective self-defense? By Japan-U.S. Security Treaty alliance, well, that USA supports Japan if it'll be. By the reason which becomes the premise. The optimistic idea that the United States forces in Japan protect Japan? It's said that it was very sweet, it'll be. A scenario of the major premise which raises a deterrent by Japan-U.S. alliance reinforcement. It's said that it's a p...

FBI is Hitler escape confidential document release.

The young people traveling in Spain in 1945. I boarded a train. An elderly monk was there to be seen across the seat. The traveler was thinking the physiognomy of the monk met somewhere. But it can't be remembered no matter what. Thinking "Who were you....?" I arrived at the station in the destination and got off. Then you can speak from the ten and several men who got off the train. "Could you say this thing to no one? Please... ". They went and went away and boarded a train again so that the monk form might be surrounded. Several hours later, a traveler knew Berlin surrender. It was the sense to which electricity runs in the body. Now when the character of the monk has passed for seventy years. It's being disclosed to no one. ● Hitler who can scratch recovery with an Argentine Nazis German community for the world metropolitan realization? I say that I lived even ninety-five years old. A testimony person in those days says that he's ho...

Relation between John's Book of Revelations and IS.

ヨハネの黙示録とISの関係。 私達は聖書のヨハネの黙示録を軽視してはいけません。全て予言どおりとは言わないまでも、かなりの部分で今の時代と符合する文面があるからです。西欧列強はオスマン帝国を崩壊させたところから、現在の紛争の基になった下地を世界に作ってしまった。イギリスから独立した米国も、フランスとともに中東各国を植民地化した経緯は歴史的事実です。ISが核兵器を所有する可能性は非常に高い。パキスタン、インド、イラン、イスラエル、そしてサウジアラビアも所有するようになるでしょう。日本は米国の監視下にあり、米国の隷属化にあり、国連の支持のない有志連合に組み入れられており、安倍氏もそれに甘んじています。それが日本にとって最悪の状況であり、核兵器のない世界の構築は到底望めない。21世紀は正に獣の争いの時代といえそうですが、90年代の湾岸戦争は米国の自作自演の感があり、911同時テロもアフガン、イラク紛争もしっかり繋がっているように思います。ハルマゲドンの地は、シリアやイラクのあたりですが、まさにヨハネの黙示録のシナリオ通りに、歴史は動いて行かざるを得ない状況をあなたはどうみていますか。 العلاقة بين الوحي وهو. أننا نقلل من شأن الوحي في الكتاب المقدس.  SM كل توقع أن أقول أيضا، يتفق مع التقدم في السن في  بعض الأجزاء. حققت القوى الغربية في العالم من الإمبراطورية العثمانية إلى انهيار الركيزة الأساسية للصراع الحالي. الولايات المتحدة مستقلة من المملكة المتحدة والشرق الأوسط بلدان استعمرت مع تاريخ فرنسا حقيقة تاريخية. إمكانية امتلاك الأسلحة النووية هو عالية للغاية. وسوف تكون مملوكة من باكستان، والهند، وإيران، وإسرائيل، والمملكة العربية السعودية. اليابان تحت إشراف الو...

Descendant's tactics and civilized fate.

Without fighting, I "win", for, it can also be said a basis of descendant's tactics, but before fighting each other, it's withdrawn from one step, and there is also meaning that I think, utilize the search of cause and wisdom and avoid a quarrel deeply. I have to read a friction with these Europe Great Powers country in 400 and Islam various countries, even if a retaliative chain is piled up, how much doesn't mutual peace come? It'll be a beginning that Mr. Bush after 911 made the message a classic phrase as "crusade" in the 21st century. Statement of Islamic nation only responded to that. It's the pot of which they think this terrorism in Paris where an innocent citizen was sacrifice is permitted, but to say retaliation by an aerial bombardment. The Islamic nation is related to the excuse which has it by expansion of a war by a chain of mutual hate for drawing komeou into an unnecessary sumo ring and increases a rule area. The harmony with Isl...

2Xonly planet by kandy hollywood


kandy hollywood novel-8 line up


kandy hollywood column vol.0001


The Next Impulse 1936




"Dark blue patios" (the future character: Only lady's state)

It isn't easy to see through the future character. An impossible prediction is to give a change to the current of the times by a pinpoint, and it can become real. 2020 Tokyo Olympics has ended in the peculiar meet seen unprecedentedly. The possibility of 2020 Tokyo Olympics was made by the thing which has decided that IOC gave the play holding right with the new bounds to the host country once and that we assumed that cooperation with more than one city and a foreign country could be held holding of Japan Mikuni of China and South Korea by a selfish judgement of the narrow-minded Hajime Governor of Tokyo. When making it Japan, which thing besides the humiliation wasn't it also? And processing of a negative legacy of Ave flea camphor tree was a big burden on reaching 2025, and Japan where I recorded the Constitution of Japan from this world actually in the middle in 2010 's, left and took after the Nazis political power and the Japanese government which walked the same way ...

The Third Last War has started already.

The Third Last War has started already. It's very thin that a man of today necessary for the midst recognizes historical objectivity. Because there are real life and estrangement of world situation. An invasion to the Middle East America and England prepared is judged as extension of a crusade from Islam side, and I say. It's a needed reason to maintain neutrality, but Turkey which was the center of the Ottoman Empire primarily has been aggressive to IS by ruler's convenience. Even that became near that reconciliation with Kurd and others is necessary by all means impossibly. Even if Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Egypt are made a victim by the reason for which the Great Powers country of Europe and America is paying a bill of colonial rule to African whole now, when there are no invasions to them, it should be possible to avoid outflow. The Third Last War starts from 2001 and only fifteen years have passed yet, and it would also be better to think it continues for thir...


■「初めて読まれる方へ」<これまでのあらすじと今後の展開>■ 【以前中堅の広告代理店「くろくま広告社」で働いていた僕は、商学部出身の船橋君とは同期入社組で、後に美大の後輩である毒舌家の安藤も入社した。彼とは学生時代からなんとなく馬があう仲である。船橋君は会長の一人娘美智子さんと結婚し事実上の婿殿的存在。美智子さんは前会長の跡を継ぎ、船橋君は代表権のないCEOとなった。僕はその夫妻の娘みどり君の初恋の対象になった。当然、巷的にいえば不倫となるが、そんなどうでもいい噂など気にしてはいられない。こう見ても僕は立派な?家庭人なのだ。イケメン系だけれども、野猿系の妻恵理子と同じく野猿系の一人娘であるメタボリックな千鶴がいる以上は不道徳な事は出来ない。だが、プラトニックな淡い恋は誰にも渡すわけにはいかないし、公言するわけにもいかない。ましてや、親と子の年齢差がある恋沙汰などできるわけがない。といっても、恋は恋。透明な慕情は失いたくはない。みどり君は大学を卒業し、都庁に就職した。だが、将来はくろくま広告社の音頭をとることにはなるのだろう。その時までの修業なのかもしれない。千鶴は大学に行かずJSCの非正規社員で働き出した。妻の恵理子はガンを患い、僕はその日から作家を目指し、ボランティアをしながら細々と努力をしている毎日。そんなとき、東京都が2020夏季五輪の招致都市に選ばれた。「くろくま広告社」は五輪関連の仕事は来ないが、知人のアートディレクターとは付き合いが深い。招致が決まって上手く行くと思いきや、五輪での運営側の問題が深刻になってきた。今後どうなるのか。固唾をのんで見守りながら良い方法をと、僕と船橋と安藤がドキュメンタリータッチで話を進めていく・・・・・・】 「はい、こちら2020東京五輪」 第一章 透明慕情(プロローグ) <登場人物> ・僕:中山正輝 ・僕の妻:恵理子(野猿系) ・僕の長女:千鶴(野猿系) ・同僚:船橋真吾(イケメン系:代表権のないくろくま広告社社長) ・船橋くんの妻:美智子夫人(ハイソ系:くろくま広告社会長<実質的な経営者>) ・船橋くんの娘:絶世の美女:みどり君 ・銀座マネキン嬢(昼は銀座通りのマネキン嬢、夜は銀座のサロン嬢:ユキ、ナオミ、サトミ、ミキ他。全員国立大出身のインテリ) ・安土城天守閣での時空を...

Declination in the British Empire.

A British eclipse in the subsidiary of the Hwang Ho civilization. How is the world seeing? Mr. Abe, the financial world rather than diplomacy, it's taken, and. It seems to be a lantern procession. Agricultural produce is an image called Maine in TPP. I'm going to make them settle. By the maintenance securement, the medical treatment, the finance, the insurance and the intellectual property right by which inner citadels are a ISDS article and employment. In the world, already, a multinational company is the one of the American etc.. The suit which cared for a government has occurred. I'll think how to do the measure from now on in Japan, but. It seems to be the situation that I have no accomplished means after all. That would be the Japanese biggest crisis. So I have to use a constitution 53rd article. The mailbox which has to be in the same position as Mr. shuu has Mr. Abe, too. It moves around like an infantryman minutely or why do you suffer from understand...

MOYURUPEN! Introduction of a work

◆MOYURUPEN! Introduction of a work◆ (Book-ization, unreleased work, plan and image-lessly) ※ Please tell one in case of the original work use request by which it's for a movie and a television. ※ After considering book-ization and in case of filming, reconsideration of an original work (correction correction) is sometimes performed. ※ An original work also assumes one in case of reimport to (Hollywood) Japan from foreign countries. ◎◎◎◎◎◎◎◎____■ < (book-ization and unreleased work-lessly)> * An unannounced work is being exhibited in a youtube stealth animation novel! * Self-development and a column essay work are being also exhibited! * 56 works of animation slide is being delivered currently. ★ Love of a fragrance (300 and whole book) ★ Storm from the future (450 and whole book) ★ The group of the valley (180 and whole book) ★ Temptation of a rainbow (160 and whole book) ★ Father's satisfaction (160 and whole book) ★ The landscape of the feminine tears ...

Speeches by UN by the 53rd

Speeches by UN by the 53rd are the contents with which I cover an eye. You're also certain that it was sneered from foreign countries. It's economic, economic and economic.... I'm embarrassed, and, I have a mind to hear, I'm not familiar. To think so wouldn't be only I. Japan just increases the factor which deepens isolation from the world increasingly. "OBAMA president" didn't also try to meet. The inconsequent speech which approves own fascination and own denial. Japanese governing full of the-oriented economy which ignored the current state? I was just a scattering salesman at these 30,000,000,000,000 yen per three years. Failure of Ave flea camphor tree was just caused. I turn my eyes to the profit only in large enterprise. So when a rest goes out, small-to-medium-sized, and, the idea that I say? Something before half a century. Since going around to common people, I don't come. An advertisement method in 70 's also changes in...


■「初めて読まれる方へ」<これまでのあらすじと今後の展開>■ 【以前中堅の広告代理店「くろくま広告社」で働いていた僕は、商学部出身の船橋君とは同期入社組で、後に美大の後輩である毒舌家の安藤も入社した。彼とは学生時代からなんとなく馬があう仲である。船橋君は会長の一人娘美智子さんと結婚し事実上の婿殿的存在。美智子さんは前会長の跡を継ぎ、船橋君は代表権のないCEOとなった。僕はその夫妻の娘みどり君の初恋の対象になった。当然、巷的にいえば不倫となるが、そんなどうでもいい噂など気にしてはいられない。こう見ても僕は立派な?家庭人なのだ。イケメン系だけれども、野猿系の妻恵理子と同じく野猿系の一人娘であるメタボリックな千鶴がいる以上は不道徳な事は出来ない。だが、プラトニックな淡い恋は誰にも渡すわけにはいかないし、公言するわけにもいかない。ましてや、親と子の年齢差がある恋沙汰などできるわけがない。といっても、恋は恋。透明な慕情は失いたくはない。みどり君は大学を卒業し、都庁に就職した。だが、将来はくろくま広告社の音頭をとることにはなるのだろう。その時までの修業なのかもしれない。千鶴は大学に行かずJSCの非正規社員で働き出した。妻の恵理子はガンを患い、僕はその日から作家を目指し、ボランティアをしながら細々と努力をしている毎日。そんなとき、東京都が2020夏季五輪の招致都市に選ばれた。「くろくま広告社」は五輪関連の仕事は来ないが、知人のアートディレクターとは付き合いが深い。招致が決まって上手く行くと思いきや、五輪での運営側の問題が深刻になってきた。今後どうなるのか。固唾をのんで見守りながら良い方法をと、僕と船橋と安藤がドキュメンタリータッチで話を進めていく・・・・・・】 「はい、こちら2020東京五輪」 第一章 透明慕情(プロローグ) <登場人物> ・僕:中山正輝 ・僕の妻:恵理子(野猿系) ・僕の長女:千鶴(野猿系) ・同僚:船橋真吾(イケメン系:代表権のないくろくま広告社社長) ・船橋くんの妻:美智子夫人(ハイソ系:くろくま広告社会長<実質的な経営者>) ・船橋くんの娘:絶世の美女:みどり君 ・銀座マネキン嬢(昼は銀座通りのマネキン嬢、夜は銀座のサロン嬢:ユキ、ナオミ、サトミ、ミキ他。全員国立大出身のインテリ) ・安土城天守閣での時空を...


「はい、こちら2020東京五輪」 第一章 透明慕情(プロローグ) <登場人物> ・僕:中山正輝 ・僕の妻:恵理子(野猿系) ・僕の長女:千鶴(野猿系) ・同僚:船橋真吾(イケメン系:代表権のないくろくま広告社社長) ・船橋くんの妻:美智子夫人(ハイソ系:くろくま広告社会長<実質的な経営者>) ・船橋くんの娘:絶世の美女:みどり君 ・銀座マネキン嬢(昼は銀座通りのマネキン嬢、夜は銀座のサロン嬢:ユキ、ナオミ、サトミ、ミキ他。全員国立大出身のインテリ) ・安土城天守閣での時空を超えた歴史上の人物の面々。 ・美大の後輩:安藤(アートディレクター、ソラミミスト:今東光似の毒舌家) ・くろくま広告社元会長:広瀬弘文(美智子夫人の父) ・銀座の若旦那衆他 ・霞ヶ関官僚、国会議員他 ・その他随増殖・・・ <第一章:その一>  みどり君が都内の私立中学に入って以来、毎朝、駅ではいつも一緒になる。エリートの舟橋君と僕は勤務先では同期入社でもある。彼とは銀座の広告代理店までは通勤が一緒になる。しかし近々彼は役員にともっぱらの噂だ。彼との電車通勤も、そろそろお別れのようである。そういう縁があって、千鶴と彼の長女みどり君も、四谷の学校では中学から同じである。娘の千鶴も、みどり君とは朝の時間帯だけは一緒になる。  まだ、午前六時台というのに、駅の中はいつも混みあっている。同じ発車時間と同じ白線の位置。通勤・通学客で駅のホームでは大抵、いつもと同じ顔ぶれになる。  電車を待つ間、乗降客とは別段話をするわけでもない。今日はどうも気が乗らない。体の調子も悪そうだし、仕事を休みたい。勝手にそう思いはじめている。僕の性悪な癖は直りそうもない。そうこう思い込んでいるうちに、仮病のつもりがほんとに体調も悪くなってくる。悲哀や哀愁を放つプラットホームの人の波。僕は駅でそれを肌で感じとる。僕はその人たちと不安な時代を泳いでいる。僕は妙に思い込みが強いようだ。千鶴や妻恵理子にも言われる。僕は大人びた人間を見ると、うらやましく思える。よくもまぁ、年齢不相応な中年になったものだ。おまけに風変わりなご主人様ときている。それは今に始まったことではない。妻はそれを承知で僕と一緒になったのだ。世間が厳しいことを知らない純情無垢な貧乏画学生を口説き落として、親との...