
Showing posts from December, 2023

Whereabouts of civilization level 0.001 of the third planet in the galaxy nebula solar system

 <Tensho Sengoku pager's Reiwa interview record 0174> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 December 31th "Whereabouts of civilization level 0.001 of the third planet in the galaxy nebula solar system" According to Bishamonten, the earth you live on is only a part of the solar system. The fastest rocket (boija) is 17 kilometers per second, but the distance from the sun to Pluto is 1.5 light years, and the diameter of the solar system is about 3 light years, so the distance from end to end is 60,000 light years. It looks like it will be a long journey for many years. The solar system appears to be located in the corner of a galactic nebula, more than 200,000 light years from the center of the galaxy, which is said to have a diameter of 100,000 to 1,000,000 light years. The Andromeda Nebula is located approximately 2.5 million light years away from ...

A literal scene of December

 <Tensho Sengoku pager's Reiwa interview record 0175> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 December 30th "A literal scene of December" A teacher is someone who, with reverence and dignity, bestows wisdom and principles on those who ask for instruction (students), but today's teachers (also called teachers) in the Reiwa era are selfish. Oyagata-sama says that he is too greedy for power and does not seem to be able to fulfill his responsibility for the future. Confucius Hall and Buddha Hall are respected among the people as good examples of this, but we truly regret the scandals caused by the rulers of the Reiwa era. . Even though the Nagata Castle slush fund scandal has ranked lowest in GDP per capita in the G7, the false teachers have been criticized by the people for double taking of political party subsidies and kickbacks. running around th...

The day when Lord Otani and Lord Yamamoto become bad debts

 <Tensho Sengoku pager's Reiwa interview record 0173> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 December 24th “The day when Lord Otani and Lord Yamamoto become bad debts” I'm sure MLB fans will be watching the 2024 Dodgers game with interest, curiosity, and suspicion. The money earned by the two baseball samurai is said to be 150 billion yen, but I think it would be better for both of them to have short-term, one-year contracts. The reason is that when a team signs a long-term contract with a player for 10 or 12 years, there is naturally a risk that the player's career may be threatened due to repeated injuries, inability to recover, personal scandals, or unforeseen accidents. There is no doubt that this is the case, so the team that welcomes him will need to be prepared and enthusiastic. Otani-dono has been able to survive until now with his blessed bo...

Why the third man, RFK Jr., will win the 2024 American and Canadian presidential election

<Tensho Sengoku pager's Reiwa interview record 0172> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 December 23rd “Why the third man, RFK Jr., will win the 2024 American and Canadian presidential election” It is rumored that the 2024 American presidential election will be a repeat of the one-on-one battle between Joe Biden and Donald Trump from four years ago, but Mr. Oyagata and I believe that the battle between the two will not be resolved. I don't think so. I have heard that if an election campaign were to begin, each camp would gather together unlimited amounts of campaign funds, leading to what could be called an all-money election. The American people of Rika are sensitive to the establishment of their own identity and the right to vote, so if there was a democratic soil in Kaneko where people's hearts never change, it would be a world of difference fr...

Shohei Otani’s blind spots and unfounded worries after 2024

 <Tensho Sengoku pager's Reiwa interview record 0170> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 December 11th “Shohei Otani’s blind spots and unfounded worries after 2024” Otani is the first free agent in MLB history to sign a 10-year, long-term contract with the Dodgers worth over 100 billion yen, but I would never be happy to let him go. For six years with the Angels, he worked with a dedicated interpreter to let the team go through his own selfish ways, and despite injuries and surgeries, he built up a two-way track record, and his popularity continued to rise as he approached free agency negotiations, but Otani-dono was a prestigious player. I chose the Dodgers. In addition to friction with the Angels' upper management, he also has to undergo a second surgery on his elbow and will have to wait until 2025 before he can pitch again. There is a good chance...

The pages howling of Kasugayama Castle

 <Tensho Sengoku pager's Reiwa interview record 0169> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 December 10th "The pages howling of Kasugayama Castle" It seems that when humans open up, they go into a manic state, lose their ability to judge right and wrong, lose their normal sensibilities, and try to settle things without realizing that this will lead to self-destruction. If this is the current state of the Reiwa Shogunate, where the sacred place of government continues to be used as a stronghold for villains, then in the era of the Sengoku period, it could become a great cause to carry out the Gokujo. However, the problem is that the magistrate's office, which is responsible for reprimanding and disciplining those who carry out important government affairs, is becoming reticent. It makes no sense at all that while the rulers are trying to force ...

「The man in the high castle」(高い城の男)

<天正戦国小姓の令和見聞録 0168 > ○ ___________________ ○ 春日山城、鳴海幕府 お屋形様:上杉道満丸景虎 見聞録検め:小姓 ○ ___________________ ○   ◆ 天正四百五十一年 十二月八日   「 The man in the high castle 」(高い城の男)   リドリー・スコット殿が総指揮を担当して作られた SF シミュレーションドラマの「 The man in the high castle 」(高い城の男)が Amazon サイトで配信され高い評価を得ておるようじゃ。ドラマはシーズン 1 から日本が(かつての満州国のような傀儡国家としての位置づけとしての)日本太平洋合衆国からの撤退を余儀なくされる(昭和天皇の撤退表明)シーズン 4 まであり、制作サイドで予定通り完結しておる。 史実では 1945 年に連合国側がナチ・日本・伊太利亜の枢軸国側に戦勝しておるが、このドラマでは 1960 年代にナチス帝国と日本の枢軸国側が第二次世界大戦で連合国側に勝利し、旧亜米利加合衆国は大ナチス帝国と日本太平洋合衆国に分割されて統治されておる設定じゃ。ロッキー山脈のエリアは中立地帯となっておる亜米利加の大半は大ナチス帝国となり、アラスカやハワイなど東海岸を含む一帯を日本太平洋合衆国となっておる。ナチスからワシントンに原爆を落とされ亜米利加は降伏し、世界は独逸と日本の支配下になっておる。日の本はナチの強大な力の蔭におびえているという設定でヒトラー殿は 60 年代まで生きておる。昭和天皇も皇太子殿も皇太子妃も登場する。現実の世界では亜米利加の隷属下にあり、令和の時代ではもはやこういうドラマは島国の心根の退化と半ば共産主義化しておる日本では絶対作られないであろうな。天正の戦国の各地の諸侯や領民もさぞかし未来への関心が高まる事請け合いでござる。欧米のエンターテインメントには聖域がなく自由に作られており、日の本の映画ドラマ担当者には羨ましく思えるであろうな。 歴史は変えられぬが、もしこうだったらとかという歴史改変作は、時代での風刺的なところがあり、教訓や浪漫や感動もござれば、エンターテイメントの最上位にあたるのと存ずる。人間は殺戮や悪徳を好む反面...

Japan's pre-war and post-war imperial system, protected national polity

 <Reiwa Kenroku 0167 of Tensho Sengoku Pages> ○___________________ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate House: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record inspection: page ○___________________ ◆Tensho 451 December 5th "Japan's pre-war and post-war imperial system, protected national polity" House monkeys have reported that all the Diet members belonging to the Reiwa ruling party faction have been making slush funds using party tickets for a long time. Rumor has it that he has been enriched by a slush fund of over 100 million yen in kickbacks in the last five years alone. Before the war, the right to vote was only available to some men over the age of 25. Women did not have the right to vote, and the government was merely a formality. Even if someone wanted to run for a parliamentary seat at that time, they would have had to pay a deposit of about 100 million yen. Nowadays, it is said to be 3 million yen, but national legislators' sense of being an upper class ...

दो लोग जिन्हें हम 2024 पेरिस ओलंपिक मैराथन में दौड़ने के लिए उत्सुक कर सकते हैं

 <तेनशो सेनगोकू पेजों का रीवा केनरोकू 0166> ○___________________ कसुगयामा कैसल, नारुमी शोगुनेट घर: उएसुगी डोमनमारू कागेटोरा अवलोकन अभिलेख निरीक्षणः पृष्ठ ○___________________ ◆तेनशो 451 दिसंबर 1 "दो लोग जिन्हें हम 2024 पेरिस ओलंपिक मैराथन में दौड़ने के लिए उत्सुक कर सकते हैं" 26 नवंबर को क्वीन्स एकिडेन में, एमजीसी में ओलंपिक में भाग लेने के लिए चुने गए दो एथलीटों ने तीसरे वार्ड में कड़ी मेहनत की, लेकिन कावरबन ने बताया कि उन्हें वांछित परिणाम नहीं मिले। मैं भी कासुगयामा कैसल में दौड़ देख रहा था, और ओयागाटा-सामा ने कहा, ``इस बार मुझे कोई पदक या पुरस्कार नहीं मिलेगा।'' एशियाई खेलों से थके होने के बावजूद हिरोनका ने अद्भुत दौड़ लगाई। यह डाकिया के लिए दूसरा स्थान पाने की दिशा में भी एक कदम था। काफी उम्मीदें हैं कि वह पेरिस ओलंपिक में अच्छा प्रदर्शन करेंगे. ऐ-डोनो होसोदा ने अपना सर्वश्रेष्ठ प्रदर्शन करते हुए छठे वार्ड में अपने वर्ग में दूसरा स्थान हासिल किया। मीडिया ने केवल उन दो धावकों पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया जिन्हें ऑफर दिया गया था, लेकिन दौड़ के बाद, यह माना गया कि य...