
Showing posts from February, 2023

Sengoku page Reiwa memorandum 0009

  <Sengoku page Reiwa memorandum 0009> ○___________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Oyagata-sama: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record check: page ○___________________○ ◆Tensho 451 February 25th Oyakata-sama is also troubled by Himoto who still doesn't have basic OS. ChatGPT is a hot topic in foreign countries, but there is no reason to be so pessimistic. It's far from Bishamonten's Ishindenshinjutsu. This is because there are many areas that AI is not good at. Those who devoted themselves to Aite seem to have acquired the habit of worshiping it like a god, but in a creative world that emphasizes the five and six human senses, it's no longer acceptable. Will. A creative novel would be impossible after all, and it would be impossible to deal with artists, composers, a world that creates something out of nothing, unexpected predictions, and so on. Even in horse racing, which is thriving in Reiwa, A.I.'s predictions are only popular odds and ...

Sengoku page Reiwa memorandum 0008

 <Sengoku page Reiwa memorandum 0008> ○___________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Oyagata-sama: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record check: page ○___________________○ ◆Tensho 451 February 24th In the era of Reiwa, it seems that a non-style competition will be held once every four years, where countries around the world compete for physical strength, but it seems that even the god of Bishamonten is angry at the fact that the sorrowful and saddened doujinshi are pursuing gold. According to the Japanese book, it is nothing but the worm rebellion army that is afflicting the people, but it is only a matter of time before Oyakata-sama uses the strongest nobizaru army to kick them all out. It has also been decided that the 10,000 people who live in dung beetles will be isolated in Kasugayama Castle and retrained by the Ashigaru army. Oyakata-sama is very pleased that he can raise 10,000 soldiers without much effort. It is also revealed that stag beetles are fro...

Sengoku page Reiwa memorandum 0006

○___________________○ Kasugayama Castle, Narumi Shogunate Oyagata-sama: Uesugi Domanmaru Kagetora Observation record check: page ○___________________○ ◆Tensho 451 February 20th I have a hard time understanding the world situation in Reiwa. It's a boring world. Domanmaru-sama also wants to return to the Sengoku world as soon as possible. Looking at the historical letters of this era, I believe that after Daeming, it became Qing. After that, the emperor of Japan built a second capital in Shina, but Kagetora-sama was angry that it was too early to fall in eight years. It must be said that the world has changed so much in these 400 years. Tokugawa-dono is afraid of being the shogunate in the Kanto region, leaving Kagetora-sama behind. My Oyakata-sama is building a shogunate at Kasugayama Castle, but I wonder when Tokugawa-dono took up residence in the Kanto region. It is hard to say where the wheels of history have gone mad. I wonder if I am really dreaming. Isn't there an endless ...


  <戦国小姓の令和見聞録>0003 ○___________________○ 春日山城、鳴海幕府 尾屋形様:上杉道満丸景虎 見聞録検め:小姓 ○___________________○ ◆ 天正四百五十一年 一月二十八日 令和の時代でも日の本で倭寇が領民達の金子や命を奪うとは我が尾屋形様も嘆いておいでであろう。それも、明国の遙か南の島に首謀者であるルフィーなるものが、善良な世間知らずの民を操り脅しながら悪事を働かせるという海賊まがいのことをやっておる。領民らは不安の極致を彷徨うているようじゃ。令和の人心を失った尾屋形殿は果たしてルフィーらを捕らえることができるか見ものじゃが、そうせねば日の本の未来はない。領民はいまだ昭和の大戦の後、自立心や亜米利加からの独立を果たしておらぬ故、日の本の美しい心根が育たぬのは致し方ござらぬ。心根が軟弱過ぎる令和の元服を迎えた者たちはもっと励まねばならぬ。タダで参加できるエスエヌエスなる以心伝心術の向上で悪事を起こす者にも好都合な調略が流行るのも仕方があるまい。昭和の帝が先の大戦で命をかけてもっと早く終戦の決断をすれば早期講和による領民の良心も盤石になっていたはずでござる。タダほど怖いものはないという昔からの言い伝えは無碍にしてはいけませぬ。戦国の世から見れば令和の民は誠に可哀想でならぬ。日の本は亜米利加から制空権を奪われ正当防衛を行う軍隊も手薄でござる。春日山城の尾屋形様もそうお想いでじゃ。なにかあれば、令和の首都に春日山城の上杉軍の支援をおくるのはやぶさかではないと言うておる。 ○___________________○

"Sakura Family Story: Drop" (A.D.1587)

  "Sakura Family Story: Drop" (Tensho 451 edition) Mr.Akagi is now the owner of a wealthy merchant family living in the castle town of Edo." He was an impeccable man who grew up in a disciplined family and lost his former husband early on. His eldest daughter was the son of her ex-husband, and Akagi-dono ended up succeeding him. Her eldest daughter is not as beautiful as her parents, but it is rumored that she attends the famous Shugen Shinankan in Edo castle town. Among the tenements, there is a lot of cynicism about the other party's avoidance. Judging from the appearance of the Emperor, it is not surprising that the eldest daughter has not found a buyer even though she is in her 40s, but she has a reputation as a wealthy family among the generals. Moreover, there are rumors that I and Akagi-dono are students of the dojo. Certainly, the excellent Akagi-dono is active and graduated from the dojo at the top. I was in the Sannami-gumi in the dojo, and from the beginni...