
Showing posts from 2022

The Last War of Otate A.D.1587 in Japan with Mr.Domanmaru.

NHK taiga drama "Tenchijin" was an excellent work. However, I personally have some dissatisfaction with it, so although it is fictional, I wrote something that goes above the heavens and earth people.    ◆ Synopsis I am the scroll of the will of the late Prince Kenshin, which was buried in the ground of Kaji Castle before the final battle of the Otate War. Mr.Domanmaru and Norimasa Uesugi were killed by Kagekatsu during peace talks with Kasugayama Castle. Domanmaru was replaced by his twin Yashamaru. Kenshin secretly wrote his will. Kangoro, a page, runs away with an imperial edict, relying on Genjiro Tarumi and Kenshin's younger sister Narumiin in Kaji Castle. Mr.Domanmaru celebrates his coming-of-age ceremony, and with the grudges of his father, mother, and younger brothers in his heart, he challenges Hideyoshi and Kagekatsu's forces to recapture Kasugayama Castle.

يوتيوب ، زائر مدونة

تحيات يوتيوب ، زائر مدونة نحن نتطلع إلى رؤيتكم جميعًا. يقال أن الساموراي الياباني هزم الجيش الألماني في بطولة العالم لكرة القدم في هاناتارو. لقد سمعت. في الحرب في ألمانيا حتى لو كانت انتصارًا زائفًا ، أعتقد أن الإرادة الدفاعية للقتال بغرور أدت إلى هزيمة دولة كوسواشي المؤقتة. للفوز بمعركة في تركيبة مميتة ، أنت بحاجة إلى مياه منعزلة. لماذا لا تقلد معركة اللورد نوبوناغا في أوكيهازاما أو معركة كينشين الرابعة في كاواناكاجيما؟ لا تقلل من شأن استراتيجية الدولة المعادية. لأن هناك فجوة صغيرة في رأس الكتاب الياباني ، من المهم ألا تنسى نواياك الأصلية. لن أكرر أبدًا أي فعل يتعارض مع روح الساموراي ، مثل تمرير شراء الوقت قبل أربع سنوات. إذا لم تترك روح الساموراي الخاصة بك دون أن تصاب بأذى ، فلن تفوز بهذه المعركة أبدًا. نتوقع إغراق أسطول غرب بانجا. المدونة في مقال العمل الثالث "Otate Ran Final Battle" (عنوان مؤقت) أنا ممتن للغاية لتلقي العديد من "الإعجابات" من 1120 من النبلاء. لأقول لك الحقيقة ، تم التخطيط للأعمال الثلاثة جميعًا لفترة طويلة ، أنا آسف لتركك بمفردك ، ذات يوم ، بين ي...


Greetings Dear Visitors We are looking forward to seeing all of you. Ameba blog, in the article of the third work "Otate Ran final battle" (tentative title) I am extremely grateful to have received so many "likes" from 540 nobles. To tell you the truth, I had a plan for all three works from before, and I left them alone. One day, between July and October of the fourth year of Reiwa, I casually came up with the idea, I wrote the third work as I was suddenly pushed by someone. I am currently burying it in the ground while I am refining it, and I haven't decided where the 90 letters will go. I believe that I will be able to show it to everyone in some form in the 5th year of Reiwa, We kindly ask for your understanding in waiting for a while. Regarding the correlation diagram, concept, title, and text of the novel, Due to various circumstances, I can't tell you until the end of the year. Efforts, additions, corrections, deletions, re-examination of correlation...

Vol.0075…”A Peace Plan Between Russia and Ukraine, and Japan.

THE NEW HISTORY EYES Presented by hirotsugu nishina Vol.0075…”A Peace Plan Between Russia and Ukraine, and Japan. 』 In the fall of 2021, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that he had launched a preventive attack on pro-Russian territories in Ukraine, proving that the Ukrainian side launched an attack (Azov solidarity) on the Russian side first. leads to In other words, the Russian side had the just cause of an invasion for legitimate defense. In October 2022, the momentum of Ukraine's rebellion has been reported in the media, but the conflict is in a situation where it is realistically difficult to recapture Ukraine's territory and win. There is growing public opinion worldwide that a peace treaty between Ukraine and Russia is needed soon. Former secretaries of state Henry Kissinger and Elon Musk have proposed a rapprochement between Ukraine and Russia, but it is becoming a reality. Although Russia's annexation of the four provinces has been legalized, Ukrain...



The shape of the end Japan

  THE NEW HISTORY EYES Presented by hirotsugu nishina   Vol.0073…”The shape of the end of this country”   The impact of the attack (assassination) on former Prime Minister Abe on Japanese society as a whole was enormous. I'm curious about the truth of the case and the outcome of the trial. It is said that arresting a red-handed murderer would not leave the realm of capital punishment, but the situation is not so easy to settle. Because there was a clear discrepancy between the claims of the police and the medical side, and the whereabouts of the missing bullet (fatal evidence) was unknown, so there was nothing to prove at the trial. Also, the suspect's criminal liability for complex post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is also questioned, so lay judges find it difficult to reach a decision. After the psychiatric examination, it will probably be several years before the charges are decided or not. I predict that the likelihood of going into a labyrinth at trial is high....

Reasons not revealed: Name of a particular religious group, former Unification Church of the World Christianity.

Former Unification Church, Mr. Abe, the dots and lines of the perpetrators. TThere is always a motive to cause an incident, but it seems that he continued to donate even after the perpetrator's mother was absorbed in religion and the house went bankrupt with a large donation. From that resentment, the perpetrator aimed at the executives of a specific religious group, but the fact that he turned the attack on former Prime Minister Abe who had been playing the role of an advertising tower and led to the act was revealed in the trial. It should be. Perpetrators with conspicuous incomprehensible words and deeds may be commuted or acquitted depending on the pros and cons of criminal liability (complex PTSD) if they are not good at it. The Liberal Democratic Party may think that it will affect the upper house election if it is clarified before the election, and some people may think that the case will be a tailwind to make the election advantageous. On the contrary, if it becomes clear, ...

"Religious relationship between politicians who go crazy"

  THE NEW HISTORY EYES Presented by hirotsugu nishina   Vol.0072… "Religious relationship between politicians who go crazy"   July 8, 2022 was the day Japan left a historical stain on the world. An experienced Japanese prime minister died in an assassination during an election speech. This is the first time since the incumbent lawmakers, Mr. Korekiyo Takahashi in the 226 Incident and Mr. Tsuyoshi Inukai in the 515 Incident, were killed before the war. It may be described as the 0708 incident in future history books. The perpetrator is a former Maritime Self-Defense Force member and is in a position that can be said to be a former soldier in the light of the prewar period. Generally, once you belong to the Self-Defense Forces, even if you leave the army, you are considered to have a lifelong defense obligation to Japan and the people as a reserve force. The main motive seems to be that the collapse of the perpetrator's family and the excessive donatio...

The Struggle of a Civilization Losing Human Wisdom

  THE NEW HISTORY EYES Presented by hirotsugu nishina Vol.0074 …『 The Struggle of a Civilization Losing Human Wisdom 』   The civil war between Ukraine and the former Soviet Union of Russia, the never-ending COVID-19, and the clashes and limits of civilization are terrorizing humankind living on Earth. It makes me wonder when did humankind start qualifying as an endangered species in history books in the distant future? In 2025, it is predicted that a large-scale solar flare that occurs once every 1,000 years will rampage across the entire solar system, so it is not certain how our current civilization can survive. It may become a shocking reality called "Knowing" in the movie, and it is not without the story that it will not affect the earth so much. However, no matter how hard you try, there is nowhere to escape. It is better to be prepared for it to happen. What is prevalent in this apocalyptic age accompanied by misanthropy is the harmful effects of human-made religions....

How to live in the 21st century and quarter century

    THE NEW HISTORY EYES Presented by hirotsugu nishina Vol.0067… "How to live in the 21st century and quarter century"   It is often said that the rise and fall of civilization has been repeated endlessly since the dawn of history, but does it mean that human beings can only use the lessons of those who embody the history at that time? There is no doubt that the world today is based on the power balance of the three major powers of China, the United States, and Russia. Japan, which was said to be a country of Wa, had a time when it was aiming to conquer the world, and the sight of the descendants of the Imperial Headquarters who were still involved in the Imperial Rule Assistance Association trying to survive and occupy the taste of the power of this country is truly a gloomy country. It is nothing but the ground. It may be an annoying and natural reason that once you have power, you don't want to let it go. Defense, slaughter and domination. It is a common matter of h...

Unforgivable act! Former Prime Minister Abe fell to a deadly bullet and died.

 Around 11:30 am on July 8, 2022, a former Maritime Self-Defense Force member was hit by a bomb during a speech near a certain station in Nara prefecture, and the dangerous condition of cardiopulmonary arrest continued and death was confirmed in the evening. It was an unfortunate event at the end of the House of Councilors election under democracy. The parties to the election all say the same thing, but they can't find the instinctive thoughts in their hearts. Historically, politicians have been hit hard by countless numbers, but it is necessary to thoroughly reconsider the psychology of perpetrators, possible motives, and crime prevention manuals. The chain of scandals of politicians has fueled public anxiety and has not reached out to the vulnerable and hard-to-live, which may be the cause in no small measure. Tomorrow is the day before the vote, but I think that the LDP and other candidates should stop the election campaign all at once and mourn. Dissatisfaction with politics an...

I wrote a novel new version! 

 小説の内容やタイトルはwebやマスメディアでの 未公開が原則なので今はご紹介は出来ません。 「○○○○○記」(仮題) ↓申し訳ありません。 目下PR動画でのタイトル・本文は非公開中です。 2023年までお待ちください。 但し版権が無くなったときは公開できません! (この短編小説は全国の宅配運輸関連業界に従事する方々、 従事していた方々及びご興味とご関心のある方々に捧げます! 日本郵政関連業界の方々も含みます! ↓ 新作の執筆は10年ぶりでしょうか。 構想は数十作ありますが・・・。 公開は多分来年あたりですね。 6月18日から始めましたが、 約23500(約71枚)字ほどになりました。 一応ペンネームで執筆しています。 実話をベースにして23日に一応書き終えましたが、 5日間で一気に筆が進んだ感じですね。 当初は100枚程度を予定していましたが、少し凝縮してスリム化しました。 しばらく推敲をし、プリント後レターパックで某社に送ります。 (無事某社に到着) ※友人・知人の4人には送付済み(助言を請うため)です。 ※茫然自失:書き上げた原稿をくまなく推敲しても、 どんどん出てくる誤字脱字変換ミス。すればする度々手直しをしたくなる。 少し落ち込んでいます。。。-0-



Vol.0070… "Sharing justice and compromise necessary for human evolution"

  THE NEW HISTORY EYES Presented by hirotsugu nishina   Vol.0070 …『人類の進化に必要な正義と妥協の共有』   2022 年 6 月の中旬になってもロシアとウクライナの紛争が続いている。対峙する両陣営の行き過ぎた思惑と戦略の結果、いくつかの紛争終結への糸口も見えてきた。両国の間を取り持つキャスチングボートの存在にも目が離せなくなったトルコだが、エルドアン大統領の采配が今後の 21 世紀文明の命運の鍵を握っていることは間違いない。日本は余りにも欧米追従の立ち位置を無考で早急な表明をしてしまった。 NATO の一員でもないのに会議に参加するというのは日本の正義に反するものだ。日本はいかなる場合でも中立性を維持するべきだし、第二次大戦敗戦後 77 年も経っているのに、被爆国で制空権もない米国の傀儡国家となっている現状を踏まえても、独立性のある為政をするべきであると考える。 21 世紀になって日本の政府はレームダックに陥っている。小泉内閣、民主党内閣、安倍内閣、そしてポスト政権の経緯を見れば明らかだが、日本の国民は政治からは目をそらし、かつての戦前の様な全体主義的な為政が始まっても無関心で従順なスタンスを貫こうとしているのが気がかりだ。日本にはフランス革命的な流血の国家建設の経験が無い。明治維新は徳川幕府と反体制の武士同士の戦いではあったが、庶民が勝ち得た新政府ではなかった。米国の南北戦争の前に日米修好通商条約なるものを結ばされ、日本の金銀は為替戦略で剥奪され南北戦争の北軍の資金に充てられたという話は合点が行く。真偽はともかく南北戦争の早期終結で余った武器・弾薬がイギリス・フランスを介して、やらなくてもよかった日本の戊辰戦争の道具に使用されたという話は有名だ。そこに坂本龍馬が武器商人や新旧の権力者達への影響力への絡み、幕末維新の数々の小説・映画やドラマが生まれた。ミステリアスな明治天皇誕生の諸説も未だに絶えることがない。戦後の日本の国民は 21 世紀の現代でも、忍びがたきを忍び、耐えがたきを耐えている。為政者はいまそのことを忘れてしまっている。誠に残念なことでもある。昭和天皇とマッカーサーとの十数回にも及ぶ会談ですでに日本の運命は決まっていたのだろう。日本国憲...