
Showing posts from 2016

The future of 1% and 99%.

The future of 1% and 99%. For a person and the organization to accomplish a matter.The proposal of established existence and reformation to the way is indispensable.Anti-reform forces on the side where an established stronghold is often defended desperately can't be despised.So it conforms to a law or is a way besides that, and whether it's executed.It's pressed a choice between two things for.So human history will repeat creation and destruction. FBI avoided a supplementary action by Hillary Clinton's mail re-investigation. Even though it was avoided, it wasn't decided that Hillary Clinton camp was innocent.A mail, with the fact that I planned for destruction of evidence selfishly.Half of page is Ciro coating (I say vulgarly, black-painted) by opening to the public of investigation. Excessive contribution suspicion is disclosed to the wife of feds who takes charge of investigating.Suspicion to Mr. Hillary Clinton who avoided a supplementaryaction doesn't clear ...

The future of 1% and 99%.

War of a kingdom of Trump and Clinton empire.

When investigation was resumed, FBI announced a mail problem of Hillary Clinton camp on November 28 at USA. Mr. Trump reverse Mr. Hillary by poll, and a president of Trump has been entrusted with the reality. American membership will be a Republican, and I'd cast one vote for Mr. Trump. Because the vision of the policy is steady, and an intermediate layer is because you can do hard living by an avalanche phenomenon and be here, and there is no work for young people, and dissatisfaction to OBAMA political power is pent up by all-America. A OBAMA president is putting a label as the worst president after the war. The crime which spent lost eight years wastefully at the White House is big while saying a change. A salesman didn't do the weak relief inwardly, either. Mr. Hillary Clinton of succession makes Wall Street postured and is going to emphasize a policy for the wealthy classes of 1%. An advisor of a private mail, IS and a French company with connection of the surrounding myst...

Mr. Donald Trump's president election strategy advertising consideration.

The inside where most of media is Clinton support. Mr. Donald Trump's president election strategy advertising consideration. Has most of media just also called the inside and the third time of television forum of the situation of Clinton support and the Donald Trump support-lessness injury caused draw at USA? Mr. Donald Trump is defeated and Hillary Clinton wins. Clinton wins an overwhelming victory over final selection. Even a bookmaker would be Katsutoshi Clinton. But respectable policy and idea can't exclude that the television discussion performed outside the mosquito net was the posture inappropriate for Clinton. Eight years when OBAMA political power was lost will be after a supporter determines on eight years more and the nightmare which continues. Bill Clinton is the Secretary of State for four years and the being in office which will be 4 or 8 from now on when being elected this time, for two periods during eight years by for the first period of OBAMA political p...

Maria Estrogen.

Name :Maria Estrogen. Maria Estrogen of 168 or 110 or 60 or height bust waist hip 90. Age unknown. It was carved by certain art school and history and the deep psyche science were learned by an other university literature department. The art system nude model is writing a romance novel with a major advertising agency chairperson secretary and a major female private detective agency strategy PR head of an office secretary at present at any time. A mama is being now and then supported with acquaintance's recommendation at a perfect introduction key club in Ginza where you declined a customer who don't have an introduction (CLUB YUKI GINZA). The feature which added Kikukawa rei SAN O to Keiko Kitagawa and divided it by two. I'm making the person himself appear on a heroine and a supporting role to a work. The oasis of important cure where big breasts build the peaceful society which issues a pheromone since history. It feels like and 360 viewpoints are examined in medical* cer...

Welcome to Moyurupen producers cut full version


welcome to kandy tensui world by moyurupen!


welcome to 2020 tokyo new version


welcome to 2020tokyo by Moyurupen!


2025-1936 by 009 sound system


Welcome to the theater type youtube animation novel spread committee



■「初めて読まれる方へ」<これまでのあらすじと今後の展開>■ 【以前中堅の広告代理店「くろくま広告社」で働いていた僕は、商学部出身の船橋君とは同期入社組で、後に美大の後輩である毒舌家の安藤も入社した。彼とは学生時代からなんとなく馬があう仲である。船橋君は会長の一人娘美智子さんと結婚し事実上の婿殿的存在。美智子さんは前会長の跡を継ぎ、船橋君は代表権のないCEOとなった。僕はその夫妻の娘みどり君の初恋の対象になった。当然、巷的にいえば不倫となるが、そんなどうでもいい噂など気にしてはいられない。こう見ても僕は立派な?家庭人なのだ。イケメン系だけれども、野猿系の妻恵理子と同じく野猿系の一人娘であるメタボリックな千鶴がいる以上は不道徳な事は出来ない。だが、プラトニックな淡い恋は誰にも渡すわけにはいかないし、公言するわけにもいかない。ましてや、親と子の年齢差がある恋沙汰などできるわけがない。といっても、恋は恋。透明な慕情は失いたくはない。みどり君は大学を卒業し、都庁に就職した。だが、将来はくろくま広告社の音頭をとることにはなるのだろう。その時までの修業なのかもしれない。千鶴は大学に行かずJSCの非正規社員で働き出した。妻の恵理子はガンを患い、僕はその日から作家を目指し、ボランティアをしながら細々と努力をしている毎日。そんなとき、東京都が2020夏季五輪の招致都市に選ばれた。「くろくま広告社」は五輪関連の仕事は来ないが、知人のアートディレクターとは付き合いが深い。招致が決まって上手く行くと思いきや、五輪での運営側の問題が深刻になってきた。今後どうなるのか。固唾をのんで見守りながら良い方法をと、僕と船橋と安藤がドキュメンタリータッチで話を進めていきます】 ★目次・進捗状況★ 「はい、こちら2020東京五輪」 <2015年~20208月の開催日まで継続予定です> ■[2015]第一章 透明慕情:その一~その四 ■[2015]第一章 2020東京オリンピック開催決定:その一~その六 ■[2015]第三章 1940-2020 歴史は繰り返す:その一~その八 ■[2016」第四章から第七章(予定) ■[2017」第八章から第十章(予定) ■[2018」第十一章から第十三章(予定) ■[2019」第十四章から第十六章(予定) ■[2020」第十七章から第二十章(予定...

A HAPPY NEW YEAR 2016 by Moyurupen
