
Showing posts from August, 2015

ZAHA stadium 2020 tokyo is nice!!!


"Yes, this, 2020 Tokyo Olympics" Vol.03

「はい、こちら2020東京五輪」 "Yes, this, 2020 Tokyo Olympics" <登場人物> ・僕:中山正輝 ・妻:恵理子 ・長女:千鶴 ・同僚:船橋真吾(次期社長) ・同僚の妻:美智子夫人 ・同僚の絶世の美女:みどり君 ・銀座マネキン嬢:ユキ、ナオミ、サトミ、ミキ他 ・美大の後輩:安藤 ・広告会社会長:広瀬弘文「(美智子夫人の父) ・銀座の若旦那他 ・霞ヶ関官僚、国会議員他 ・その他随増殖・・・  character> * I: Masaki Nakayama. * A wife: Eriko * Eldest daughter: Chizu * A colleague: Shingo Funabashi (the next president) * Colleague's wife: Mrs. Michiko * Colleague's peerless beauty: Mr. green * Miss Ginza mannequin: Yuki, Naomi, Satomi and Miki and others * Junior of art school: Ando * Advertising firm chairperson: Hirose Kobun " (Mrs. Michiko's father) * Young master other ones in Ginza * Kasumigaseki bureaucrat and congressman and others * The hokazui multiplication... 第一章 透明慕情(プロローグ)  みどり君が都内の私立中学に入って以来、毎朝、駅ではいつも一緒になる。エリートの舟橋君と僕は勤務先では同期入社でもある。彼とは銀座の広告代理店までは通勤が一緒になる。しかし近々彼は役員にともっぱらの噂だ。彼との電車通勤も、そろそろお別れのようである。そういう縁があって、千鶴と彼の長女みどり君も、四谷の学校では中学から同じである。娘の千鶴も、みどり君とは朝の時間帯だけは一緒になる。  まだ、午前六時台というのに、駅の中はい...

The difference between Mr. Abe's 70 year talk and the emperor's word.

There was no meaning that Mr. Abe takes out a talk as Murayama former prime minister said. I think it wasn't necessary to take it out. While shading a phrase, everywhere, a word is inserted. With this with which an apology as a wrongdoer and an apology cry. The phrase which doesn't apologize also entered in the generation of the future. The present emperor does an unprecedented apology as "deep reflection". The media which are USA in Mr. Abe's not apologizing? Statement of an emperor and Mr. Abe is being handled contrastively. A Japanese neighboring country, well, I don't know. In USA which has formed an official union. It's convincing in criticism to Mr. Abe. Hitler passes away and destroys the National Athletic Meet in Germany. The German people supported new nation building from the world. A highest officer keeps sitting down just as it is in Japan. The National Athletic Meet was maintained and the people walked the suffering way. Empero...

Degradation of the invention of the Japanese digital dependence bears.

From when does the image power degrade and have degenerated for Japanese? Perhaps by Windows and Mac. Is it after I come to deal with production? The production which are an Olympic emblem and a logo even if I'm not a professional now? Because it's the time everyone can be made? When there are an illustrator of software and a photo shop. Everything is the these days which can be done. The material of youtube can be made easily and. Presentation can also be done freely. Because an image is the time it's difficult to become money when. Imitation, quotation and rights will be trading down and derive. An advertising agency introduces Mr. Sano. It should be the person in charge (bookmaker). It's also a problem that the report is stopped. Because it's an advertising agency, that a TV station is being managed may be all right one. The Japanese last convoy and broadcast industry. Mr. HORIEMON incited before. It was returned and was subjugation. It's a...



The copyright is stronger than service mark right.

An Olympic emblem is an embezzlement problem, and I'm shaking. Because there is no service mark right, IOC and JOC are saying safeness. But when I conflict in something a copyright is when catching service mark right. A copyright is given priority to. Anything given priority to most by production of a movie? What and, it's good, a copyright as an original work. When tracing the design, a thing as another work can be called, but when there is no origin, nothing will be done. If so the first idea and image were expressed somewhere, it can be said inevitably occurrence of a copyright. Everyone's sentences on which you're writing a blog and a picture are also defended by a copyright. When even Art also leaves an essay for music on the internet in youtube, even a novel generates your copyright naturally.

Mr.Sano Tokyo Olympic emblem. A possibility of the guarantee cancellation.

Mr.Sano Tokyo Olympic emblem. A possibility of the guarantee cancellation. That Japanese KURIEITIBU degrades to here. To be honest, I didn't want to think. Because I was enrolled in advertising world before, too, I'm interested. He's an art director, is actual production a staff? Were an investigation by the production process and an analysis neglected as a director? A design embezzlement tends to run past easily by the net society now. There is an expression infinitely in the two dimensions, but fortuity can't be excluded. However, it's irrelevant to use a different work just as it is, isn't it? It's impossible as a creator producer. Even the layout design and a copy are same. Creators are a copy and a taste by net society easily. It has been borrowed beyond territory of reference. It's such impression, isn't it? It's a personal thing, at the previous advertising agency, a colleague. After a layout of advertisement of the medica...

2020 Tokyo Olympic Games stadium problem.

2020 Tokyo Olympic Games stadium problem. The ZAHA Ms. who visited Japan by an awarding event of tournament adoption. Still when it isn't adopted, a new national institution would be a serious international problem. The ZAHA Ms. you employed isn't bad at all. A designer doesn't consider a construction cost so much. For example when also hitting the expenses with a repair estimate in an apartment, does how a general contractor adds the profit also seem able to hit with how much, and be not revealed? Because Mr. ZAHA took charge of the design, isn't it satisfied with the budget by which she's the first when making an improvement so that it may be called? The fact of the budget compression by which the one I had to spare is a stadium that a JSC building is built shouldn't be done. Because it was adopted at Democratic Party of Japan political power by an event of a national policy, a nerve of Mr. Abe who says is suspected to be unrelated for oneself. I'm a hig...

Emperor Showa's great sin.

I don't deny Imperial Household. Responsibility of the previous great war had not been fulfilled. I'm interested in how to perform the ablutions Emperor Showa greatly. I pay my respects to Imperial Household, only Emperor Showa? Without rebel's bad name's by 226 events also making them spread. My grandfather who passed away was so, too. I can't permit, either. Emperor's voice broadcasting is regretted by a look from the complete top, without* apologies. I heard only with an unconditional surrender regrettable broadcast. I was fascinated by Napoleon before the war. The thing which was a war fan of word WA SAZU understands a presence by a supreme commander of the whole army. The highest level of a control party of the army and navy was also quite bad and. The image an army concerns directly is avoided by a comfort woman measure at a front. Traders make the established fact open at a front independently. The case that the will of an army was being co...

"Yes, this, 2020 Tokyo Olympics"

「はい、こちら2020東京五輪」 <登場人物> ・僕:中山正輝 ・妻:恵理子 ・長女:千鶴 ・同僚:船橋真吾(次期社長) ・同僚の妻:美智子夫人 ・同僚の絶世の美女:みどり君 ・銀座マネキン嬢:ユキ、ナオミ、サトミ、ミキ他 ・美大の後輩:安藤 ・広告会社会長:広瀬弘文「(美智子夫人の父) ・銀座の若旦那他 ・霞ヶ関官僚、国会議員他 ・その他随増殖・・・  character> * I: Masaki Nakayama. * A wife: Eriko * Eldest daughter: Chizu * A colleague: Shingo Funabashi (the next president) * Colleague's wife: Mrs. Michiko * Colleague's peerless beauty: Mr. green * Miss Ginza mannequin: Yuki, Naomi, Satomi and Miki and others * Junior of art school: Ando * Advertising firm chairperson: Hirose Kobun " (Mrs. Michiko's father) * Young master other ones in Ginza * Kasumigaseki bureaucrat and congressman and others * The hokazui multiplication... 第一章 透明慕情(プロローグ)  みどり君が都内の私立中学に入って以来、毎朝、駅ではいつも一緒になる。エリートの舟橋君と僕は勤務先では同期入社でもある。彼とは銀座の広告代理店までは通勤が一緒になる。しかし近々彼は役員にともっぱらの噂だ。彼との電車通勤も、そろそろお別れのようである。そういう縁があって、千鶴と彼の長女みどり君も、四谷の学校では中学から同じである。娘の千鶴も、みどり君とは朝の時間帯だけは一緒になる。  まだ、午前六時台というのに、駅の中はいつも混みあっている。同じ発車時間と同じ白線の位置。通勤・通学客で駅のホームでは大抵、い...

Témoignage de la civilisation, l'avenir de l'Empire romain petit.

On dit que les parents d'Oussama Ben Laden sont morts dans un accident d'avion. Ben Laden qui est mort en décembre de 2001 est tué au Pakistan dix ans plus tard et il y a la photographie formelle qu'Obama, Hilary et d'autres sont cloués à un écran, mais on peut dire que cela avec le théâtre de mystère de Maison Blanche mystérieux d'aussi bon que le film hollywoodien "meurt quant à Ben Laden deux fois" sans aucun doute. Il semble être cru que la propagande a appelé Ben Laden tuant dans 2,011 ans est allé bien, semblez-vous le réaliser ? Puisque c'est devenu le grand mur à la réélection pour une approbation estimant la goutte soudaine d'Obama, le doute du lieu de naissance, il ne peut pas enlever "Ben Laden..." pour vous permettre de les nettoyer pour avoir poussé la propagande avancée. 911 n'a rien en commun avec al Qaeda et je soutiens une théorie de crime intérieure. Je crois qu'il est impossible de se produire en mê...