
Showing posts from July, 2015

Do you think about tokyo 2020 rogo?

↓幻のエンブレムとなりました。 ↓シンプルで素敵なエンブレムでした。 ↓親しみやすく夢を感じる招致エンブレムです。 ↓これはどうでしょう?国際的な騒動に発展しそうです。おそらく再考を余儀なくされそうです。招致エンブレムでよかったんではないでしょうか。。。

The global civilization of the safe mode impossibility.

Andromeda galaxy nebula is the terrible speed. I say that I'm aiming at the Milky Way galaxy nebula. It's said that it probably collides 4,000,000,000 years later. Our solar system is in the outskirts in the Milky Way. From extraterrestrial civilization, you'd be able to say a so-called frontier place. I say that there are billions of planets like the earth in the Milky Way galaxy. Only the global human race has the only civilization in the universe. The point of view which says so seems ordinary. Whether they seem to kill, I try to inspect. It isn't also a reason with a certain way. It's said that 99% isn't used for a human brain yet. We with history who say the great navigation era 500 years before? A thing is seen only by the childish point of view such as new continent discovery. The mankind who doesn't evolve at all since history. The earth Bunmei when a similar slaughter and furious history are being repeated. Such software is needed to do own check ...

making of moyurupen!


It's common sense of the world to go to new National Stadium in 2020TOKYO by a plan of Mr. ZAHA.

It's common sense of the world to go to new National Stadium in 2020TOKYO by a plan of Mr. ZAHA. The budget and the design are making noise with saying this or that in Japan, but the winner of a tournament isn't supposed to concede by all means.

Héritage négatif, Asahi Shimbun = ancien approvisionnement de Quartier général Impérial pour le journal gouvernemental.

Héritage négatif, Asahi Shimbun = ancien approvisionnement de Quartier général Impérial pour le journal gouvernemental. Quand c'est cette fois, dans la publicité pleine page d'une compagnie, une stratégie de vendre un dessin dans la guerre Pacifique le régularise, mais l'éditeur de presse important, la station de TV en incluant le soleil du matin attise la nation en marque de drapeau en luttant contre le soulèvement d'esprit à l'époque et le processus qui laissent vous atteindre l'effondrement restez dans l'histoire d'éternité comme un héritage négatif chaque année. Le point de vue des gens qui appellent le soleil du matin un gauchiste de l'antiJapon est incorrect. Quand on y a déjà fait un lavage de cerveau, c'est une chose que nous ne comprenons pas une intention de continuer le drapeau de soleil comme le symbole d'une compagnie. La chose importante regarde directement l'histoire objectivement et devra-t-il avoir une occasion de ré...

The new national construction blank planning for which I never make.

By a rush job from October of this year, in spring in 2019, pre opening. And a test of soccer is held all together. We assumed that the IOC side was put into effect before holding half year as for athletics. It's ordered at the beginning of next year by a blank reconsideration plan. That construction starting is quite behind schedule expects. In a tournament by a blank plan, many twists and turns. Doesn't it take one year by an adjustment? The schedule on a desk is quite too optimistic. Even if more than half of the whole competition is performed at facilities besides Tokyo-to. The repair cost of the facilities of existence doesn't also work. It's obvious to become a problem beyond a new national institution. The room where completion does test holding before holding half year? The acting without rehearsal performance which cries is also expected. I overlook the expenses as expected. The present, as, you think it's better to advance it by a plan of Mr...

The IOC general meeting by which big criticism is expected by reconsideration in 2020 new National Stadium.

The selfishness which is Japan at the IOC general meeting of the end of this month. Becoming big problem-ization isn't avoided. When it isn't done on an invitation tournament street, each country IOC commissioner is TOKYO. The thing chosen as an Olympic candidate site is the reason made the scrap paper. Is it satisfied with only Chairperson Bach's consideration? Approval and disapproval is asked about in Japan. When judging from the world, how is it? It isn't an event only for Japan. Formal modern Olympics for the world. Depending on criticism of a IOC general meeting. Substitution holding in Istanbul is also SHI MOARAZU in a cry. The mass media of the world don't touch at all, do they? A IOC commissioner of each country should probe severely.

New National Stadium turmoil scanning.

Even though 130,000,000,000 yen were about 300,000,000,000 yen. Arch type opening and shutting system National Stadium where degree of difficulty is also highest in the world. I think there are no hands which aren't made. Does the world guess and isn't it watching the technology and sincerity? I become one hundred million general financial critic, and it costs a lot of money too much and. You're saying an understood thing. I think a focus should steal the meaning of the Olympic holding from different Ingres. That there is cash flow at approximately 500,000,000,000 yen in Tokyo-to, a historical origin. Since state tax income also increases substantially, and I come to large enterprise. Hundreds of, reservation inside one trillion yen, I'll have money. When Japanese construction is of high level without then, grudging. Can't the view which can be envied from the world be imagined? Even if I make it blank, I'm proceeding with contract at about 10,000,...

The insensitivity which insults the new National Stadium tournament winner who isn't permitted (United Kingdom).

<追記> 7月17日新国立競技場のプランが白紙にもどりました。担当政権にとっては政争の具となり、まさに危険な賭となりました。議員を引退した森元首相は五輪関連では無報酬(微々たる日当はあり)で、日々勤しんでおり、安倍氏からの計画白紙の通達は、納得がいかない様子でしたね。あたかもラグビーW杯が悪者のように報じられ遺憾に思っているようす。私は白紙からの見直しでは間に合わないと思っています。キールアーチは今月中に発注しないと間に合わないんだそうです。新国立競技場コンペ勝利者やバッハ会長の温情もどこまで持つか分からない。安倍氏は勝手に白紙といいますが、どうしてこれまで放っておいたのか。東京五輪は東京都には十分なキャッシュを用意していると、猪瀬知事が公言しており、建築費用の面では大丈夫だったはず。石原氏にももちろん責任はあるでしょう。最高責任者の安倍氏のアベノミクスによる円安誘導による価格高騰も無視できない。一ドル80円台が124円になるとどうなるか予測はできていたはずですから。 許されない新国立競技場コンペ勝利者(英国)を侮辱する無神経さ。 2020年東京五輪のメイン会場である 新国立競技場の建設には随意契約で大手ゼネコン2社が割り込み、 建設費が跳ね上がった(約1000億円)という噂はあながち嘘でもないらしい。 最初の見積もりでは1700億円のようだっらしく、キールアーチは、 世界的にも一般化されている建築法だという。 埼玉スタジアム2002もキールアーチ。 利権が深く関わっていないのだろうかという懸念も排除できない。 一時の首相が建設費がかさみすぎるので、元首相にデザイン見直しの相談。 元首相も個人的には好きではないという。 そういった建設費の多い少ないと言うレベルの問題で、IOCに対して、 勝手に変更して国際公約違反という前例を作っていいものなのかどうか。 新国立競技場コンペ勝利者を侮辱する無神経さ。 ODAなどで海外に何兆円もの円供与や円借款を進めているのに、 世界の祭典(安倍氏は日本の祭典と言った。)にはケチるという、 世界への恥辱をさらけ出してしまった。 メイン会場の建設計画を白紙に戻すというのなら、 五輪誘致コンペも白紙に戻し、 誘致合戦も仕切り直しというのが常識というものでしょう。 ライバルの都市はそう思ってい...


安倍第二次内閣が安全保障関連法案を違憲と分かっていても、 強行採決しましたが、銀座の7,8丁目界隈には、 一元さんお断りのお店が何千となり、日本のトップをはじめ、 影響力のある人達がお忍びで通う倶楽部が目白押し。 銀座のマネキン嬢たちはアドバイザーへと変身。 そんな何気ない会話聞きたくありませんか。。。。 「あらアベちゃん、ちゃっかり法案を通しちゃったわねぇ」 「いいのかしらねぇ・・・」 「だってしょうがないんじゃないの。悪いのはあたいたちなのよ」 「サトミ、ずいぶん納得なのね」 「だってさぁ、民主党があたいたちを裏切って、いつのまにか、元の自民党になって、だんだん世知辛い世の中になったわけは、国民の責任よ」 「ふんふん、だっふんだ・・・・」 「なおちゃんも、そう思う?」 「思う、思う。人間はみんなさぁ勝手なのよ。だれも、責任をとらないし、逃げてばかりでさぁ」 「さいきん、いい男がいなくなった」 「いなくなったねぇ」 「セコくなったねえ」 「ママには内緒だけど、同伴割り勘なのよ、信じられな~い・・・」 「マネキン嬢をなめてるのよ」 「いいいやそれはないよ。あたいたちの秘密は知らないから。でも、バカ女みたいな目つきで見られると頭に来る」 「石破ちゃんも、白鵬関もさいきん来なくなったわね・・・」 「石破ちゃんは大の倶楽部好きでね、テレビ出演の謝礼をあたいたちのために全部使ってくれていたわねぇ。ありがたや、ありがたや。白鵬関はもうすぐモンゴルにかえるんだかどうか知らないけれど、しっかり貯め込んでいるみたい。だからけちんぼう。帰化もしない覚悟だし、親方にもなる気はないみたい・・・」 「白鵬がプロレスにいけば、面白くなるねぇ・・・」 「悪役には最適よ・・・」 「それはそうと、アメリカで男同士、女同士でも結婚できるようになったんですって」 「オバマさんも後押しをねぇ。信じらんなぁい・・・」 「マネキン嬢同士でも結婚できるってこと?」 「あんたはアホか・・・」 「ギリシャの首相頑張ってるねぇ。やっぱり借りたほうが強いよね。どうせ借りるなら返せないぐらい借りてさぁ、払えなくなれば、棒引きの線で・・・・」 「あんたは甘い・・・。ママにいくら借りたのよ。一生、このお店で返さなくちゃだめなのよ」 「いったいいくら借りたの...

Of the renunciation of war, it's promised, Nuremberg and Far Eastern military tribunal.

In Germany, about the Nazis war criminal individual It's hung on the future eternal trial. A state wasn't asked itself about. It itself asks about a state in Japan. The emperor who was a highest officer had no blame. Emperor Showa? As Hitler, Mussolini and the Hiro man who are three big top of the axis side. It's so famous that it was even introduced to TIME magazine in allied powers. I was also commander in chief in the Japanese Empire. A city all Japan is destroyed. Even if a terrible sight in Tokyo which became a burned field is judged from the great Tokyo air raid. A national victim doesn't also lend his ears to staff's warning, and amplifies. I say the battle in Okinawa, a mainland battle and atomic bombing even if I have no chance to win. The highest officer's crime which was brought into the war you don't need to do is heavy. A major newspaper, Imperial Headquarters and bureaucracy and a plutocracy are a reflection. Neither an emperor...


The starting point where a main stadium is 2020 Tokyo Olympic invitation. After a member of IOC can charm in a plan in new National Stadium. I think there are also to commissioners who cast one vote for Tokyo. I don't know well why you find fault with Mr. Ando's adoption now. When shouldering, the budget etc. country is to be finished. Because Mr. Abe is the reason concerned with a tournament deeply, too. Because I did a tournament by all Japan and succeeded in invitation. By the irresponsible correspondence which may do what? That IOC also imposes some penalties? It shouldn't be invitation for 2019 rugby cup. The air to which I say if I abdicate the throne to Istanbul if it can't be settled no matter what. Isn't it spreading over the world?

Greek strategy.

Greek strategy. Germany rearranges economy by export to Europe each country. The profits in Greece should also be huge. Because a matter has+ vs.-, balance, if, by a kept reason. A soldier vs. a loser. A lender vs. a borrower. The benefit vs. a profit and loss. A winner vs. a loser. Because NADO and sougo are related. The world stands up. Greece and Italy? The mainstream-like location of the Western civilization is being built from antiquity. I shouldn't tell only by politics and the financial page of the air in the today. There is pride of boy friends in a historical DNA. It's natural usually to return borrowed one. That's the reason the necessity by which a lender attends to his business with resolution is also. The tolerance made cancellation leads to a repayment in the future. While a secular eye is black, the feeling that I'd like to end is understood. Anything which can't be returned realistically can't be returned. Greece is a long eye...

The evil by which Same-sex marriage is democracy society as expected.

American Bundesgerichtshof was a decision by majority and I made them legalize Same-sex marriage. It can be permitted to a coupling, but at this rate the family's collapse would increase certainly, wouldn't it? Even though a celebrity supports it, that may not be right. Insistence of a right as Same-sex marriage leans, and would stretch the meaning of the equal meaning too much. Before saying a trial, it's also fact that it should be settled. The respectable heterosexuality isn't equal, said, will it be? Same-sex marriage contrary to noble Biblical telling is against social morality. It's my idea to say that there is nothing unreasonable with Same-sex marriage personally.

Emperor Showa's too slow Emperor's judgment.

遅すぎた昭和天皇のご聖断。 毎年8月15日を迎える度に考えるんです。 あの無益な戦争はなんだったんろうかと。 国家間で争うのは避けたいと思う人がほとんどだとは思いますが、 人が組織の中で動くとなると、意志決定の念が一人歩きをし、 間違った方向へむかうという教訓は人類の歴史に、 数え切れないぐらい遺されています。 昭和天皇の手記がマッカーサーの部下であるホイットニーの文書により、 機密解除になり公開されましたが、裕仁氏自身が日本国民に対し、 こんなにも偏った見方をされていたとは想いもよりませんでした。 1945年東京大空襲で焼け野原になった光景を、 裕仁氏は見に行かれてはいます。しかし、 相手国への一撃による有利な終戦交渉を目論むあまり、 トルーマン大統領の降伏の打診や、 近衛首相からの早期の終戦の忠告にも耳をかさず、 広島に第二総軍司令部を構え、 一億総玉砕戦法に打ってでてしまった。 多くの若者が特別攻撃隊や人間魚雷などで海に散りました。 勝つ見込みもなく、敵国への一撃も不可能な状況を迎え、 ナポレオンに心酔していた昭和天皇には、 多くの国民の犠牲をどう見ていたか、ホイットニー文書ではその考えが、 よく現れています。 瀬島龍三氏をはじめとする大本営は、天皇の絞首刑を強く望むソ連に対し、 60万のシベリア抑留を差し出すことで、 皇室の維持の働きかけのツールとしたという噂は、 本当なのかは私は知らない。 地方都市がほとんど空襲の目にあい、しなくてもいい沖縄戦や、 落とされなくても済んだ広島・長崎への、 原子爆弾の悲惨を招く原因にもなりました。 最高司令官の責任は余りにも重く、国民より皇室の保証と、 国体の擁護にこだわった裕仁氏の胸の内は、 いかばかりだったのか。 遅すぎた終戦の決断は正しかったのかどうか。 靖国神社に祀られていない多くの非戦闘員。 その犠牲者の霊を弔うにはどうしたらいいのか。 戦争の悲惨さと最高責任者の罪は未来永劫残っていきます。 Emperor Showa's too slow Emperor's judgment. Every time August 15 is met every year, I think. That useless wa...



Consultation to Greece.

Graceful living is reversed and you wouldn't be supposed to live in a life of the hardships of life. The super-tight budget EU credit company forces doesn't resuscitate and makes them remember an agricultural district in the Edo Period which isn't killed. When 30 percent of the work force and 40 percent of the national budget come with the relation of personnel expenses of the official servant, it's visible to fail. We'll set a Japanese work force to 70,000,000 people. That I go by its percentage, very, 2000 everyone chou, they're said to be an official servant, it'll be. The one which was provided to Greece while laying eyes on such situation can't help saying that the view was too optimistic. It's impossible to tell to return money to the person who also has no returned aims. It'll take 100 years, but it'll take 200 years, but I think it's also necessary to offer consultation with a body and give grace to the returned side. It would be...

Imformation from Moyurupen


Mutual coexistence without profit and loss.

Even though you can't clear off the debts. To despoil the person's life? It can't be permitted as a person. The borrowed one is also the borrowed one, but it can be said that the way where I lend is also the way where I lend. It's better to judge such thing from adaptation to circumstances and a long eye generously. Germany in a defeated nation is the Treaty of Versailles in the World War I. You tell the astronomical indemnity. But I'll drive into a difficult situation and build you Hitler. I peep at pathless national fate. Hitler succeeds to bilk cleanly. But even the Second World War loses a battle. For the payment which is the indemnity again. I complete the payment finally in 2010. Know-how of such return, Germany and each country? I advise Greece without profit and loss and they achieve mutual coexistence. I should look for the reciprocal way. It's to the extent listed large enterprise can't be returned. When the astronomical debt was...

Joint collapse of EU is the day when IMF of which I'm afraid renounces an obligation.

Though Riemann brothers became extinct by a financial crisis. Rival Goldman Sachs also met with a similar crisis, but. When a resuscitated mechanism is judged by a public fund. Even Greece, Goldman Sachs-like mechanism. I can think. It's same as good-for-nothing collection to tell to return it right now. Why can it be returned to being also no aims which can be returned? Like Pakistan, thanks to return to IMF. After funds of official education administration are exhausted. Young people can't waver in the roadside and go any more to school. It's without charge and I surge into the church where education is got. It was to stay as theolog. That this was the origin of Taliban? It isn't informed of so much. You can say all one in the starting point of hate to Europe. Even Germany has just paid the indemnity by the Treaty of Versailles up in 2010. Greece should be overlooked with a plan for 100 years. IMF and ECB are substantial renouncement of an obligation...